Page 46 - Adventures in Africa
P. 46

“ Thank heaven !  there's water, sure enough.  I  see
                       the  moon beam s  playing-  on  the  surface  of a  pool.”

                          I  believe  I  fainted,  for I   remember  no  more  until  T
                      found him  splashing  water  over  my  face ;  and,  open­
                      ing  my  eyes,  I  saw  him  kneeling  bv  my  side.  Jan

                      was  busily  engaged  in  lighting  a  fire,  while  the  ox
                      was  feeding not  far  off,  A   hut  was  then  built  for  me,

                      and  as  soon  as  1  was  placed  in  it  I  fell  asleep.              In
                      the  morning  [  awoke  greatly  revived.                     My  uncle
                      said  he was  determined to  remain  at  the  spot  until  I

                      was  sufficiently  recovered  to  travel, and  1  promised  to
                      get  well  as  soon  as  I  could.  W hen  breakfast  was
                      over  he  started  off  with  his  gun  to  try  and  shoot  a

                      deer,  for  we  had  just  exhausted  the  last  remnant  of
                      venison we  possessed.
                         As,  sheltered  from  the  rays  of  the  sun,  I  lay  in  my

                      hut,  which  was  built  on  a  slight  elevation  above  the
                      lakelet,  I  could  enjoy  a  fine  view  of  the  country  in

                      front  of me.
                         jan,  having just finished  cleaning my  gun,  was  en­
                      gaged  a  little  way below  me  in  cutting up  the  wood

                      for  the  fire,  singing  in  a low  voice  one  of  his  native
                         Presently  I  caught  sight  of  my  uncle  in  the  far

                      distance  advancing  towards  a  rounded  hillock  which
                      rose  out  of  the  plain  below.  Almost  at  the  same
                      moment,  I  saw  still  further  off  several  animals  which

                      I  at  once  knew  to  be  deer  coming  on  at  a  rapid  rate
                      towards  our  camp.  They  were  taking  a  direction

                      which  would  lead  them  close  to  where  my  uncle  lay
                      in  ambush.        They  were  followed  by others  in  quick
                      succession,  until  a  vast  herd  came  scampering  and
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