Page 47 - Adventures in Africa
P. 47

bounding  across  the  plain  like  an  army,  two  or  three
                        abreast,  following1  each  other.  Twice  I  heard  the

                        report  of  my uncle’s  rifle.  Oil  each  occasion  a  deer
                        fell  to  the  ground.
                           Jan  cried  out  that  they were  blesboks,  one  of  the

                        finest  deer  in  South  Africa.  They  had  long  twisting
                        horns,  and  were  of  a  reddish  colour,  the  legs  being
                        much  darker,  with  a  blaze  of white  on  the face.

                           I  never  saw  a  more  beautiful  sight.  Jan  was  all
                        eagerness,  and,  taking  my  gun,  he  went  ill  chase;
                        but  before  "he  could  get near  enough  to  obtain  a  shot,
                        the  whole  herd was scampering  away across the plain,

                        laughing  at  his  puny  efforts  to  overtake  them.
                           In  a  short  time  my  uncle  appeared,  carrying  a

                        portion  of  one  of the  animals  on  his  back,  and  imme­
                        diately  sent  off  Jan  with  the  ox  to  fetch  in  the  re­

                           Here was  wood  and  water, and  game in abundance,
                        so  that  we  could  not  have  chosen  a  better  spot  for
                        remaining  in  until  I  was  myself  again.  As  we  had

                        plenty  of  meat he  was  able  to  concoct  as  much  broth
                        as  I  could  consume.  It  contributed  greatly to  restore
                        my  strength ;  and,  judging  by  the  progress  I  was
                        making,  I  hoped  that  we  should  be  able  shortly  to

                        resume  our journey.
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