Page 7 - The model orator, or, Young folks' speaker : containing the choicest recitations and readings from the best authors for schools, public entertainments, social gatherings, Sunday schools, etc. : including recitals in prose and verse ...
P. 7


                         T    H E R E   is  an  immense  and  constantly  growing  demand  fop  the
                                 very  best  selections  from  the  best  authors  for  readings  and
                                 recitations.   No  form  of  entertainment  is  more  universally
                         popular  than  this  for  Schools,  Social  Gatherings,  Lyceums,  Lodges,

                         Church  and  Sunday-school  Anniversaries,  Christmas  Exhibitions  and
                         'many  other  public  occasions.  The  cultured  voice  and  magnetic
                         personality  ot the successful  reader  are always charming and  welcome,
                           This  demand  is  fully  .supplied  by I hi*  work  which  is  a  rich  casket
                         of  gems  in  Prose  and  Poetry,  all  strikingly  adapted  to  instruct  and
                        entertain.    They  are  suited  to  every  coneeivablc  occasion  where
                        a  reading-  is  in  order,  and  are  the  best afforded  by the whole  range
                         of  literature,  comprising  Eloquence  and  Sentiment;  Pathos  and
                        Hi:.nor;  Dramatic  and  Descriptive  Selections;  Juvenile  Readings;
                         Readings  with  Lesson  T alks;  Readings  with  Accompaniments  oi
                        Music ;  Dialogues,  Tableaux, etc,,  etc.
                           Part  F ikst ;  The  Mind  Speaking  through  the  Body,  contains
                        Important  Principles  and  Rules.     In a  very  concise  form  it  points  out
                        the  best  methods  for  strengthening  and  cultivating  the  voice  and
                                                       v i                        lD
                        teaches  the  manner  to  be  observed,  the  most  effective  attitudes  and
                        gestures  to  be  employed,  and  the  rules  for  emphasis  and  pauses.
                           This  part  is  rendered  attractive  and  valuable  by  helpful  object
                        lessons.   It  contains  all  the  typical  and  most  important  gestures
                        in  outline  drawings,  to  which  frequent  references  are  made  throughout
                        the work,  showing  the  exact  gesture  that should  be  made.
                           Part  S econd:  Readings  with  Lesson  Talks,  contains  charming
                        selections  to  which  are  added  valuable  suggestions  as  to  the  best
                        manner  of rendering  them.  These  Talks  are  brief,  pithy and  right  to

                        the point.  Verse  by verse  and line by  line  the  reader  is  told  how  to
                        deliver  the thought  arid sentiment to  the  veiy  best advantage.
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