Page 8 - The model orator, or, Young folks' speaker : containing the choicest recitations and readings from the best authors for schools, public entertainments, social gatherings, Sunday schools, etc. : including recitals in prose and verse ...
P. 8

IV                              PREFACE-

                            Part  T hird :  Readings  with  Musical  Accompaniments,  contains
                         selections  in  which  snatches  of  songs  and  instrumental  music  are
                         introduced.  No  readings  arc  more popular  or  more  eagerly sought
                         than  these.  The skiliful  recitationist  of  either sex,  who  can  express
                         some part  of the  sentiment  tzy  appropriate  strains  of  music  never  fails
                         to  captivate the  hearers  and  meet  with  hearty  applause.
                            Tor  this  reason  a  number  of well  chosen  recitals  have been inserted
                         accompanied  by suitable  musical  scores.  These  are  both  .sprightly
                         and  pathetic.  In some  instances  thrilling  scenes  are  depicted  by the
                         text,  and  the  music, properly  rendered,  adds  greatly to  the  effect.
                            P.Akt  F oukth:  Descriptive  and  Dramatic  Readings,  is  a  vast,
                         collection  of gems  in  I’rose  and  Poetry,  all  chosen  from  the very  bes*

                         authors.  They  are such,  and  such  only,  as  are  remarkably adapted
                          to illustrate the power  and  fascination  of  the  reader's  consummate art.
                          Descriptions  of  startling  incidents,  feats  of  heroic  courage,  manly
                          achievements,  daring  exploits,  thrilling  adventures  and  noble  deeds,
                          Combine  to  give an  unrivalled  charm  to this prut of the work.
                            P at<t   F i f t h :  Grave  and  Pathetic  Readings,  embraces  a  rare
                          collection  of  recitals  that  touch  the  heart  and  arouse  its  deepest
                         emotions.  The  great  masters  of  pathos  art:  here  fully  represented,
                         and  the scenes  they  depict with  graphic power are  among the choicest
                         jewels  the  English  laninin'-re affords.
                         J              n        O   O
                            Part  S ix t h :  Humorous  Readings,  is  without  a  peer  in  those
                         fascinating  selections  of  satire,  wit  and  humor  which  are  absolutely
                         indispensable  to  all  public  entertainments.   These  are  the  brightest
                         flashes  of wit  and  drollery  from  authors  of world-wide  fame.
                            P a r t   S e v e n t h :  Readings  for  Juveniles,  is  a  charming  collection  of
                         sprightly  and beautiful  recitations  for the  little  folks,  suited  admirably
                         to every  occasion  on  which  the  boys  and  girls  are  expected to  appear.
                         The  grave,  the  gay,  the  beautiful,  the  serious,  the  fascinating,  are  all
                         mingled  here  in  a  manner  that  delights  all young people.
                            P a r t  E ig h t h :  Dialogues  and Tableaux,  furnishes  a  wide  and varied
                         collection  of  pieces  containing  several  parts  for  as  many  reciters.
                         These  have been written  and  selected  with  great care.
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