Page 127 - Child's own book
P. 127

noise around m e ;  but  as  I lay stretched  on  ray  back*  I  could
                          only  look  tip wards.  A t  length  I  felt  something  move on my
                          left  leg,  which,  advancing  over  my  breast,  came  close  up to
                          my chin,  when,  bending  my eyes downwards  as  much as  my
                          position  would  allow,  ]  perceived  it  to  foe  a human creature,
                          not more than six inches high,  very  perfect  in its form,  with a
                          how and arrow in its hand,  and a quiver at its back ;  and in an
                          instant  I found at least forty of  the same species  running over
                          all  parts of my body,
                             I  was in tbe  utmost  astonishment,  and  roared  so  loud,  that
                          they all  ran back  in  a  fright:  and  some of  them,  as  I  after­
                          wards understood, were  hurt  by the  falls  they got  in leaping
                          from  my sides  to  the  ground,  I  lay  ail  this  time  in  great
                          pain*  and  struggling  to get  loose;  I  at  length  had  the  good
                          fortune  to  break  the  strings  and wrench  out  the  pegs  that
                          fastened my left arm  and my hair  to the ground,  so that  I  was
                          able to turn about;  but the  creatures ran away before  I  could
                          seize any of  them ;  and  1  heard  one cf  them  call aloud,  Tolgo
                          phonec !  when,  in an instant*  1  felt au  hundred  arrows  sticking
                          into my  hands and face, which  pricked  like  so  many needles,
                          1  now  thought  it  most  prudent  to  lie still;  and  the  people
                          observing  I  was <juiet,  discharged  no  more  arrows at m e;  but
                          by the noises that buzzed about me,  I  perceived  their numbers
                          to increase ;  and about four yards from me  1  heard a knocking,
                          and on turning my head that way, perceived  they were erecting
                          a stage  about  four  feet  from  the  ground,  capable  of  holding
                          about four of the inhabitants;  from  whence one  of  them,  who
                          seemed  to be a person of quality (for his  train was  borne  by  a
                          page about the size of  my little finger), made a long oration,  in
                          which,  by hb gestures, he seemed to express pity and  kindness,
                          but  I could  not understand  his language ;  I  therefore signified
                          by  signs,,  that  I  was  almost  famished  with  hunger,  and  the
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