Page 128 - Child's own book
P. 128
hurgo, or lord, understood me very well. He commanded that
ladders shrvuld he applied to my sides, on which above an
hundred of the inhabitants mounted, and walked towards my
mouth, laden with baskets full of meat, which had been pro
vided by the kings orders. There were shoulders, legs, and
loins* shaped like mutton, but so small, that I ate them by two
or three at a mouthful* and the loaves were about the size of
musket'hullets. They supplied roe aa fast aa they could*
showing a thousand marks of wonder and amazement at my
huik and appetite ; and when 1 made a sign that I wanted
drink, they very ingeniously slung up one of (heir largest
hogsheads, and beat out the top : I drank it off at- a draught,
for it did not hold above half a pint. They brought me a
second hogshead, which 1 swallowed, and then made signs for
more, but they had no more to give me.
When (hey observed that I made no more demands for meat*
there appeared before me a person of high rank, from the king
of the country. This ambassador having come close to ray
face, spoke about ten minutes, without any signs of anger, but
with a kind of determined resolution, often pointing forwards*
which, as I afterwards understood, was towards the capital,
whither it was agreed by his majesty’s council I must be cod-
veyed. J made signs to signify that I desired my liberty, but
he shook his head in token of disapprobation ; however* he
gave me to understand that 1 should have plenty of meat and
drink, and very good treatment. I thought of attempting again
to burst my bonds; but when I felt the smart of the arrows oo
my face and bands* which were all in blisters, and observing
likewise that the number of my diminutive enemies every
moment increased* I intimated that they might do with me as
they pleased ; upon this* the hurgo and his train withdrew,
with much civility of demeanour. They now spread over my