Page 235 - Child's own book
P. 235
of being discovered, till she was almost ready to expire with
weariness. At last, hearing the bleating of sheep, she supposed
she drew near some shepherds with theiT flocks, and exerted
all her, strength to reach the place, in hopes of finding some
relief. But how great was her surprise, when she came to a
spacious plain, to see a large ram, as white as snow, with gilded
horns, a garland of flowers about his neck, and his legs adorned
with bracelets of pearl, of a prodigious size, lying on orange
flowers, and shaded from the heat of the sun by a pavilion of
cloth of gold ! A hundred sheep, richly adorned, were in
waiting upon him ; K>me regaling themselves on the choicest
herbage, while others diverted themselves with play. Miranda
became motionless with astonishment, and looked about for the
shepherd of so extraordinary a flock* when the beautiful Ram,
bounding and shipping, came up and said, “ Approach, lovely
princess, and be not afraid of such gentle creatures as we are.”
— u What ! ’’ exclaimed the princess, stepping back, “ is it
possible that sheep can speak ? *'— “ Alas ! madam,” resumed
the Ram, “ your ape and dog spoke by gift of a fairy, and why
may not the same happen to sheep ? Be not surprised, therefore,
but tell me what has brought you hither ? ”— “ A thousand
misfortunes,” answered Miranda : 141 seek shelter from the rage
of a cruel father."—£t Come, then, with me, madam," rejoined
the Ram, “ and I will conduct you to a place where you shall
be secure from discovery, and be absolute mistress." The Ram
then ordered his chariot, which proved to be a gourd-shell,
large enough to hold two persons with ease and lined with
velvet, which was drawn by six goats. The princess placed
herself in it, admiring the novelty of such an equipage -3 and
the Ram got in after her, and drove to a cavern's mouth, which
though stopped by a large stone, opened on the Ram’s touching
it with his foot.