Page 237 - Child's own book
P. 237

disappeared, and  I  saw a frightful  fairy, whom  I  had  known
                          from my youth.  4 What!* cried 3, 4 Ragotte, was a]l this  done
                          by your orders ? ,—‘ By whose orders else, do you think? ’  said
                          she:  6 have you never known my sentiments till now ?  Consider
                          how  low  I  stoop,  and  remember  it  is  a  fairy who  addresses

                          you. — * But  what  do you ask ? ’  inquired  I ;  ‘  is it my crown,
                          my  cities, or my treasure? ’— * Neither/  answered  she,  some­
                          what disdainfully -s  1 but I ask your heart.  Ah !  grant me your
                          affection,  let  me  be  your  beloved  Ragotte,  and,’  added  she,
                          contracting her mouth to look  the more  agreeable,  and  rolling
                          her  eyes about, ‘ I  will give you twenty  kingdoms  beside your
                          own, a hundred towers of gold, five  hundred  filled with silver,
                          and everything else you can  possibly desire/  In tills dilemma
                          I  knew  not  how  to  act,  but  resolved  to  dissemble;  and,
                          pretending  a  regard  for  her, begged she  would restore  me  to
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