Page 470 - Child's own book
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way to divert her, tliey thought, would be to urge her to marry ;
                          which  the  princess, who  was  now become less obstinate on that
                          point  ilvin  formerly,  consented  to;  and  thinking  that  such  a
                          pigmy as  the  Yellow  Dwarf would not  dare to contend with so
                          gallant a  person  as  the  King  of  the  Golden  Mines, she  fixed
                          upon  that prince  for her husband, who was exceedingly rich and
                          powerful, and loved  her  to  distraction*  The  moat  superb pre­
                          parations  were  made  for the  nuptials,  and  the  happy day  was
                          fixed;  when, as  they  were  proceeding  to  the  ceremony,  they
                          saw  moving  towards  them  a box, upon which  sat  an old woman
                          remarkable  for  her  ugliness.  “  ilold,  queen  and  princess,’*
                          cried  she, knitting  her  brows;  ‘‘re­
                          member  the  promises you  have  both
                          made  to my friend the Yellow Dwarf
                           I  am  the  Desert  Fairy;  and  unless
                           AH-Fair  consent  to  marry  him*  1
                          solemnly  swear  to  burn  my crutch.”
                          The <jueen  and  princess  were  struck
                          almost  motionless  by  this  unex­
                          pected  address of  the  fairy ;  but  the
                          Prince  of the Golden Mines  was  exceeding angry,  and  holding
                          his sword  to  her  throat,  he  said, ** Fly,  wretch !  or  thy  malice
                          shall  cost  thee  thy  life,"   No  sooner  had  he  uttered  these
                          words,  than  the top of the box  flying off, out  came  the  Yellow
                          Dwarf,  mounted  upon  a  large  Spanish  cat,  who, placing him­
                          self between the king aod  the  fairy, exclaimcd,  ** Kash  youth 1
                          thy rage shall  be  levelled  at  me,  not  at  the  Desert  Fairy;  I
                          am  thy  rival,  and  claim  het  by  promise,  and  a  single  hair
                          round  her  finger/’  This  ao  enraged  the  king,  that  he  cried
                          out,  “ Contemptible  creature 1  wert thou  worthy  of  notice,  [
                          would  sacrifice  thee  for thy presumption."  The  Y ellow   Dwarf,
                          clapping  spurs to  his  cat,  and drawing a cutlass,  now defied  the
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