Page 473 - Child's own book
P. 473

uympha,  and soon dispersed  them, and he soon  came In  view of
                          AU-Fair,  when  he  exclaimed,  rtO  my  princess,  behold  your
                          feithfni  lover !  ”— ci Faithful  lover!"  she  exclaimed, drawing
                          herself back :  “ Did  I not see you  passing through fhe air with
                          a beautiful  nymph %  were you faithful then \ ’*— Ll Yes,” replied
                          the king,  411  was.  That  was  the  detested  Desert  Fairy,  who
                          was carrying me  to a  place where  I  must  have languished out
                          all my days,  had  it  not  been  foT  a  kind  mermaid,  by  whose
                          assistance  it  is that  I  am now come  to release you."  So,  having
                          uttered these words, he threw himself at her feet;  but, catching
                                                         hold  of  her gown he  unfortunately
                                                         let go  the  magic  sword,  which  the
                                                         Yellow  Dwarf  no  sooner  disco­
                                                         vered,  than,  leaping  from  behind
                                                         a  shrub,  where  he  had  been  con­
                                                         cealed,  he  ran  and  seized  it.   By
                                                         two cabalisticaJ words  he  then con­
                                                         jured  up  a  couple  of  giants,  who
                          laid  the king' in  irons*
                              Now,”  said  the  Dwarf,  4< my  rival’s  fate  is  in  m y  own
                          hands ;  however,  if he  will  consent  to  my  marriage, he shall
                          have  his life and  liberty.1'— “  No,"  said  the king, u I  scorn thy
                         favour  on such  term s/’  The dwarf was so exasperated  by this
                          reply, that  he  instantly  stabbed  the  king  to  the  heart.  The
                          disconsolate princess, aggravated  to  the last degree at such bar­
                         barity, thus vented her  grief;  “ Thou  hideous creature  !  since
                         entreaties could  not  avail  thee* perhaps  thou  now reliest  upon
                         force ;  but thon  shait  be disappointed^ and thy brutal soul shall
                         know  perpetual  mortification  from  the  moment  I  tell thee that
                         I  die  for the  love  I  have for the  King of  the  Golden  Mines ! ”
                         and  so saying she sunk  down  upon  his body,  and expired with™
                         out  a sigh.  Thus ended the fate  of  these two  faithful  lovers,
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