Page 614 - Child's own book
P. 614

the Emperor Barbarossa,  who  has  been  waiting  an  hour  for
                           us."  Peter, expecting some such adventure as before,  made no
                           objection ;  and  the monk  led the way to a spot surrounded  by
                           walls, where he drew a large circle with  his  crooked  stick, and
                           wrote curious signs in the sand.
                              They  now  heard  a  noise  like  distant  thunder,  the  earth
                           trembled  beneath  their  feet, and  the  ground  within the magic
                           circlc  sank  gently down  with  Peter  and  the  monk,  and after
                           depositing  them  in  the  vault below,  slowly  rose  to  its  former
                              The monk thco led  Peter through a number of  passages, till
                           they  came to  a  kind  of  cloister,  where a  lamp  was  burning
                           eternally,  and here  he  lighted a couple  of  torches  for  himself
                           and his companion.  They then went onwards till they reached
                           a  large  iron  door,  which  the  monk  touchcd  with  his  staff,
                           saying,  u Open ! "  And,  behold !  the  bolts  were  withdrawn,
                           and  the locks  opened  of  themselves,  and  discovered  a  ronnd
                           chapel.  The floor  was  as  smooth  as  ice, and  the walls  and
                           ceiling,  that were richly fretted with  gold and diamonds, shone
                           like flames by the light of  the torches.  In one corner stood an
                           altar  of  massive gold,  and  in  another a golden font on a silver
                             The  monk  told his companion to  follow him, and  then  bade
                           him stand  in  the  middle  of  the  chapel, while he advanced to­
                           wards a  silver  door,  at which he knocked three times,  when it
                           flew open.  Opposite the door  sat  the  Emperor Barbarossa on
                           a golden throne, just  as  he lived and breathed, with his  crown
                           on  his  head,  which  he  kept  nodding  every  now  and  then,
                           while  he  knit  his  bushy  eyebrows.  His  long  red  beard  had
                           grown  through  the  stone  table  before  him,  and  reached  to
                           his  feet.
                             The monk now returned, and drew the astonished Peter away.
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