Page 618 - Child's own book
P. 618

Old Caspar tor>k it from the boy.   " Now  tell  us  what  ’twas  all
                                Who stood erpectant by;              about,”
                              And  then  tbe  old  man  shook      Youog Pcterkin he cries;
                                  his head,                      And little Wilhelmine looks up,
                                And with a natural sigh :—         With wonder-waiting eyes:
                           “ ’Tis some poor fellows skull/1  44 Now tell ua all about the war.
                                  said he,                    And  what  th&i  k illd   each  other
                           “ Who fell in the Great Victory.          /o r? "
                              “ I find them in  the garden, for   *4 It  was  the  English,”  Caspar
                                There's many  here about;            cried,
                              And often when I go to plough,       “ That put the French to rou t ;
                                Tbe plough share turns them  But what they kill'd each other for
                                  out;                             I     could not well make out;
                           For many athousand men/' said he,  But everybody said," quoth be,
                           “ Wcrealainin the Great Victorv/' “ That 'twas a Famous Victory !

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                               My father lived  at  Blenheim    14 With fire and sword tbe couh-
                                  then,                              try round
                                Yon little stream hard by;         Was wasted far and wide :
                             They burnt his dwelling to tho  And many achi lding mother then*
                                  ground.                         And ncw-bom  infant died
                               And he was forced to fly:      But  things  like  that,  you knowt
                           So with his wife and child he fled,       must be,
                           Nor had he where to rest his head: At every Famous Victory.
                                                                                a  a  2
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