Page 622 - Child's own book
P. 622

My day or night myself I make,
                                           Whenoer I sleep or play,
                                         And could I always keep awake,
                                           With me ’twere always day.
                                        With heavy sighs I often hear
                                           You mourn my hapless woe;
                                         But sure with patience I can bear
                                           A loss I ne'er can know.

                                        Then let not what I cannot have
                                           My cheer of mind destroy ;
                                         I  know that He who died to save
                                           Can bless a poor blind boy.

                               ELEGY  ON  THE  DEATH  OF  A  MAD  DOG.


                          Good people all, of  every sort, give ear unto my song,
                          And, if you find it wondrous short, it cannot hold you long.
                          In Islington there was a man, of whom the world might say,
                          That atill a godly race he ran, whene'er- he went to pray.
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