Page 624 - Child's own book
P. 624


                          John Gilpin was a citizen          John Gilpin kiss'd Us loving -wife.
                            Of credit and renown,               O’cijoyM was ho to find,
                          A trainband captain eke was ho  That, though on pleasure she was
                            Of famous London town.                  btnt,
                                                                She had a frugal mind.
                          John Gilpin's spouse  said  to  her
                                 (jearp                      The morning came, the chaise was
                            Though  wedded we  bave been            brought,
                          These twice ten fcediou&year3, jet        Je^      Qot  ^lo^d
                            No holiday have seen,       fwa  To dnre  up to the door,  Jest all
                                                               Should eay that she was proud-
                          To-morrow is our wedding-day,  &  ^          d      ff
                            Ann wo will then  repair                stay'd,
                          Unto  the Bell at Edmonton,
                                            ^rZ r’
                            iV.ll in & cb^isc tkDuL pair*    »■  Wliew they did all get in ;
                                                                                    ■  11
                                                r            Sue precious souls, and all agog
                          My sister and my eister a child,     To       through thick and thin.
                                  ^ antJ children th ree,    Smack went tbo whip, round went
                          Will fill thcchai&ej soyoumustnde              wheejs
                            On horseback after we-             Were never felts ao glad;
                          He soon replied, I do admire           * * *  d i d i m d e r ?eath'
                            Of womaLkLnd but one,              Ab * QieaPslde wer* maA'
                          And  you  arc  she,  my  dearest John Gilpin at his hole’s side
                                 dear,                         Seized fast the flowing mane,
                            Therefore it shall be done*      And up he got in hasto to rid6t
                          I a m » linen-drapor bold,           B u tto n  cam. downag&m;
                            As all the world doth know,      for saddle-tree scarce reafih’d had
                          And my good friend the calender      His journey to begin.       [he,
                            Wilt lend his horse to go.       When, turning round hifiheadjho
                          Quoth  Mrs.  Gilpin,  T btfe  well   TklM customer, »      .  to,  [aw
                                 s^d,                        So down be came; for loss of time^
                            And  for that wino is dear,        Although it grieved him sore,
                          We willbeftiroiab’d with our own,  Yetlose ofponce, full well he knew,
                            Which is both bright and clcar.    Would trouble him much more.
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