Page 629 - Child's own book
P. 629
Stop, stop, John Gilpin!—Here’s Away went Gilpin out of breath,
the house— And sore against his will,
They all at once did cry; Till at his friend the calender's
The dinner waits, and we are tired: His horse at last stood still
Said Gilpin—So am I ! The caleIK,er> M „d see
But yet his horse was not a whit His neighbour in such trim,
Inclined to tarry there; Laid down his pipe, flew to the
For why 1—hia owner had a house And thus accosted him: [gate,
Full ten miles off, at Ware- w , .
vVnat news I weat news: your
So like an arrow swift he flew, tidings tell \
Shot by an archer strong; Tell me you must and shall—
So did he fly—which brings me to Say why bareheaded you are come,
The middle of my song. ^ Or why you come at all ?