Page 631 - Child's own book
P. 631
Sis: gentlemen upon tine road, And now the turnpike gates again
Thus seeing Gilpin fly, Flew open in short Bpace;
With postboy scampering in the The toll-inen thinking, as before,
rear, That Gilpin, rode a race.
They raised the hueand o ry :- And £Ci ^ ^ m n # ^
rt, f . u For he got first to town;
stop thief! stop thief !-a high- Nor stopp'd, till where he M mIm
wayman ! He did again get down,
Not one of them was mute; 6 a
And all and each that pass’d that iTow let us sing, long live the ting!
way And Gilpin, long live he;
Did join in the pursuit. And when he nest doth ride abroad,
May I bo there to see 1