P. 12
involved with many world-
class releases, such as
AOL Music Top-11 Series,
eligible for the “Emmy
Awards.” He played
an integral role in the
establishment and activity
of UX Development,
Interactive Network
Technology and mobile
app development teams in
India. The business unit
was instrumental in the
development of multiple
geographies, including
the United States, Europe,
India and Australia.
Current Market
Organizations are now
focused on technology
INKONIQ and its vision: designed by Inkoniq have been engines as businesses aim to
INKONIQ is a leading agency showcased at TED, WIRED develop, simplify and provide
in the area of User Experience & INK conferences. Inkoniq’s better user experience. To be
Design (UX / UI). The company portfolio comprises of Fortune 500 more relevant, it’s about how you
uses modern design, technology brands and hottest global start-ups use the latest trends in Big Data,
and years of expertise to provide including brands like Amazon, Artificial Intelligence, Machine
brands and start-ups with excellent Flipkart, Western Digital, Societe Learning, Enhanced realities to
experiences. Generale Bank, HDFC, Doha design innovative interfaces such
Inkoniq is an award-winning Bank, Govt. of Qatar, Zoomcar, as conversational interfaces, VUI
UX-based product engineering NDTV and Star Sports. and natural UIs.
company established in 2011 with Information on the Founder INKONIQ is firmly committed
offices in Bangalore and New York. & CEO: to its out of the box thinking and
We are ranked as the top five UX In addition to 20 years of cross- applying principles of human-
companies in India. INKONIQ functional technological and UX centered design, but a holistic
services based in Bangalore design expertise, Rajesh Kumar approach that takes account
combine conception, technical is the founder in INKONIQ and of technological advances and
skills and development in order to has been working with Fortune changes in the user lifestyle is
provide excellent mobile, Web and 500 brands in the fields of product also important. To order to unlock
IoT experiences. strategy, operations and business market principles, understanding
We partner with global brands development. of human nature is now crucial. We
and start-ups to build product plan INKONIQ, India’s leading user are well conscious that consumer
expertise and execute the same experience agency, was founded experiences and design principles
with the latest technology. We by Rajesh’s passion for solving were implemented in order to
help companies identify broad big brand problems and fast- develop solutions that address real
goals, translate ideas into reality, growing start-ups through the use human problems.
create, release and execute UX of development insight and latest
development. technology. INKONIQ Services:
The mobile apps and websites Until INKONIQ launched, he was INKONIQ has been building