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successful digital experiences       product design, maintenance and      results-driven design methodology
        across industries and domains        support services.                    to iteratively improve the digital
        spanning from Banking, Insurance,    Clients are getting benefited        experience.
        Fintech, Healthcare, Media,          by doing business with you:          3. Rapid Prototyping, not
        Retail, e-Commerce, Education,       We have a deep understanding         presentations - The breakthrough
        E-learning, Entertainment, and       of how both product and              ideas usually come through
        Travel. The firm holds fully         marketing departments can meet       iterative design and rapid
        integrated design practice that      their business needs through an      prototyping. Static presentations
        includes various steps like User     increased user experience. We have   are things of the past.
        Research, Usability Study,           used this knowledge to develop       4. Be Local, but think Global - The
        Interaction Design, Motion Design,   a unique model of service, which     leadership at INKONIQ has a rich
        Prototyping, UI Engineering and      enables us to work as an internal    experience of working with top
        they take care of all the client needs   UX team for our customers.       agencies in NY, bringing about the
        –                                    Compared to its competitors,         innovation, process, fit and finish,
        •Ideas to Product- Helps to validate   Inkoniq has the following five     and attention to detail that you’ll
        the idea, craft the experience,      factors in combination:              find only amongst the top global
        and build world-class apps and       1. Client as a Partner – Clients     design agencies.
        websites.                            are asked to participate directly    5. It’s about small details - What
        •Experience Optimization- Helps      with the company team in a           differentiates the company’s
        companies to improve their           collaborative process based on       experience is the small details that
        customer experiences and grow the    specific measures of success,        the firm does better than others, this
        business.                            rapid prototyping, testing, and      comes from the rich understanding
        •Design Practise Set-up- Helps the   improvement.                         of user needs, their motivators, and
        forward-thinking organizations in    2. Expert Team + Holistic Process -   opportunities.
        transitioning to design-led culture.  INKONIQ comes with 16 years of      INKONIQ strategies to
        The company services also cater to   design, technology, and marketing    tackle its competition:
        Strategy Consulting, Mobile App      expertise, and they have refined a   We do not believe in competition
        Development, Product Engineering,
        Websites, and Digital Marketing.
        INKONIQ differs from its
        We combine our expertise in
        UX, technical expertise and
        profound marketing skills to
        create successful experiences for
        international brands and the hottest
        The management of the business
        Inkoniq gives you the creativity,
        system health and end, and
        attention to detail that you see
        only among the top global
        development companies for ten
        and a half years in partnership with
        leading agencies in NYO. We are
        a fully integrated design and agile
        development company and provide
        our global customers with complete
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