P. 18
UX and UI Design
Trends for 2019
Every company wants to keep up in the Email subject line or related performs one action at a time and is
with trends, but it’s not only about products recommendations. In 2019 not overwhelmed with a variety of
being updated and fashionable, it’s personalization extends by artifi- actions.
about providing users with a high cial intelligence (AI), chatbots and • Light and gentle popups with sug-
level of usability. A wise combi- voice assistants. We have a more gestions or tips to speed up action
nation of the following trends will emotional connection with our taking process.
lead to more satisfied users, and devices than ever before and we Voice-activated Interface
support your product’s success. expect them to know us even better Voice-command technology prospers,
UX and UI Design Trends for 2019 than our closest friends do. smart-home devices such as Google
It is hard to divide user experience Personalization is flourishing in Home or Amazon’s Alexa and virtual
(UX) and user interface (UI) as retail, with prices adjusting accord- assistants is nothing new today. But
they are closely related. Trends in ing to user’s location, advanced websites and mobile applications are
UX directly impact the UI state, product recommendations, and still adopting this technology and
so we will talk about both at the personalized marketing in addition there is a huge space for design inno-
same time, but starting from more to the ability to shop through voice vation.
UX-related topics and moving to assistant that will suggest us exact- Voice is commonly used in search
interface design. ly what we want for the best price. engines and it’s predicted that 50% of
Time-Saving De- all search engine queries will be per-
sign Features formed by voice by 2020. That means
Today’s user is that users will expect your interface to
impatient and can support voice search too and this will
hold focus for require additional UI presentation.
approximately The Internet of Things (IoT)
8 seconds. So, Internet of Things is changing every
the trend in 2019 sector of the modern web, including
will be designing design. This technology has connect-
the user experi- ed us to the world more than ever
ence that reduces before. Smart devices are influencing
friction and saves the way we experience digital prod-
time for users. ucts and services as we are interacting
The key point with them through the web or mobile
here is to reduce interfaces. IoT produces a lot of data
users hesitation and make a de- that should be represented and in-
User Experience Personalization sign more intuitive. This can be teracted in the most convenient way
The mass production is not an achieved by such approaches in possible.
option nowadays. There is a huge design as: Content-Centered Experiences
competition on the market and us- • Features are visible only when Of course, the visual appearance
ers expect a personalized approach a user needs them in a specific matters and design should be beauti-
from you. context. ful, but let’s face it, people come to
We are not surprised by our name • Linear design, where a user a website or mobile app for content.
18 December 2019