P. 20
P Designing Companies
In I n d i a 2 0 1 9
Quick Facts
1.Year of Inception - 2008
2.Founding Members-
Naveen Puttagunta-
Co-Founder & CEO;
Prathima Inolu - Chief
Designer and Executive
3.Office Location -
4. Website - http://www. Creating a digital footprint for 100s of businesses globally, for
“ 10+ years has made us one of the best UX UI Design agencies.
Divami offers a comprehensive set of UX
and Design services for both consumer
centric and entrprisw application providers
As most businesses go online to clear vision of the rapidly evolving “
widen their customer base and pull ideas and needs of today’s digital
in more revenue, competition to generation which is recognized Headquartered in Hyderabad, the
remain a step forward is at its peak. User Experience and Design as firm has come a long way since
To help overcome the barriers, one of the key ingredient for any its inception. It’s fully fledged to
a large number of opportunists product’s success, Divami set a User Experience Company with
are cashing on this opportunity off to make a benchmark in the the success stories of more than
by developing impactful User industry. And, this is what led to 100 projects. What started off
Interface (UI) and User Experience the inception of Divami. initially as a product startup, today
(UX) designs that not just offer an With the advent of digital it has transitioned into a successful
online platform but also reflect the revolution, staying upto the mark service organization providing the
face of a business. It was during with an online presence has best in class UX and UI Designs.
this time when the founding team become mandatory to stay ahead Growing as a key player in the
of Divami discovered their calling in business as well as to maintain market to fulfill the rising demands
in the niche market space of UX a healthy connection with the of new age UX/UI designers, the
& UI design. The team was quick consumers. Understanding this, success saga of Divami is truly a
enough to realize that there was a Divami offers a comprehensive stirring tale that any startup can
gap in the market which they could set of UX and Design services look upto.
fill making the best use of their for both consumer centric and Initial Challenges
existing product team. Holding a enterprise application providers. The past few years have raised
20 December 2019