P. 19

And in 2019 content becomes rich-    Augmented Reality (AR)               Virtual Reality (VR)
        er and people consume it more than  AR isn’t just used for games like     VR is a big player in UI and UX
        ever. The success of the product is   Pokemon Go. It becomes a useful     trends as it becomes more widely
        defined by the right mix of technol-  tool that enhances user experience   used among people. There is a lot
        ogy, design, and content. Designers  and in 2019 there will be more AR    of job for designers as VR is a mix
        can keep content easy to access and  applications. For example, Ikea      of experiences, a whole world you
        consume in 2019 by:                  gives its users the ability to see   put the user into. VR can be used
        •Having a well-structured content    how new furniture will fit in the    from training doctors by imitation
        on the page                          room through a mobile application.  of surgery to entertaining games.
        •Removing unnecessary fancy stuff  Moreover, AR slowly penetrates         Biometric Authentications
        to keep the focus on content         into the web as well.                We will see more use of biometrics
        •Using white space to give content   Augmented reality itself is another   for authentication and person iden-
        some air.                            platform with its own UX and UI.     tification. It will enhance security
        In addition to text and image        Such things as navigation, ob-       for both people and enterprises by
        content, there will be a huge de-    ject-related elements presentation,   removing traditional login form
        mand for video content. Cisco has    animation and interaction with       with login and password.
        predicted that more than 80% of      elements on top of the real-world    So in the future, facial recognition,
        all Internet traffic will be video   image should be designed as well     fingerprints and voice recognition
        by 2021. So UX and UI designs        as in-app design. Therefore, the     will be a new way of logging into
        should be ready to become more       AR experience should be carefully    websites and apps. This approach
        video-focused.                       thought through.                     requires new UX and UI solutions
                                                                                  that will replace old ones.
                                                                                  Chatbots and AI
                                                                                  Chatbots and communicating
                                                                                  interfaces are also in trend in
                                                                                  2019. With the rapid development
                                                                                  of chatbots powered by AI, more
                                                                                  websites include such technology.
                                                                                  Communication with bots is be-
                                                                                  coming more organic and usual.
                                                                                  In addition, previously mentioned
                                                                                  voice assistants are flourishing and
                                                                                  interfere into user experience on
                                                                                  the web and mobile.

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