Page 12 - Top 10 India's Financial Startup 2019
P. 12

“                                      With mobile phone penetration

                                                                                  expected to increase to 85-90
                                                                                  percent in 2020 and internet
                                                                                  penetration steadily climbing, the
                                              iKuber seeks
                                                                                  growth potential for Fintech in
                                              to serve this
                                              massive need                        India cannot be overstated.
                                                                                  Moreover, by some estimates,
                                              by harnessing                       as much as 90 percent of small
                                                                                  businesses are not linked to formal
                                              the very latest                     financial institutions.
                                              technologies and                    These gaps in access to institutions
                                              thus providing                      and services offer important scope
                                                                                  to develop fintech solutions and
                                              Digital solutions                   expand the market base.
                                              and Scientific                      Furthermore, there is a:
                                              tools                               Lack of comprehensive Financial
                                                                                  Planning tools across Asset classes
                                                                                  (Mutual Funds / Insurance /
                                                                                  Pensions etc.)
                                                                                  Absence of One-Stop
           Kuber Financial Services is a     Protection / Insurance gap to the    Comprehensive Service Provider
           company started by IIT and        tune of 90% translating into an      across Financial Products
        iStanford alumnus and industry       amount to the tune of USD 8.6         Complex procedures with multiple
        experts having a vast experience in   Trillion. Effective Management      System interfaces
        the Financial Services domain. The  of Savings, Investments and            Lack of Awareness of Investment
        founders have been in leadership     Protection thus assumes critical     Options and coverage for
        positions in the Financial Services   importance.                         Customers in Tier 2 / 3 cities
        industry and possess very keen       iKuber seeks to serve this           In terms of Existing alternatives,
        insights into its workings. They     massive need by harnessing the       there is
        are also upbeat on the significant   very latest technologies and thus    Incomplete scoping in Financial
        bearing of Fintech on the society at  providing Digital solutions and     Planning  that too across just a few
        large. They opine that the markets   Scientific tools to deliver faster,   financial Assets
        are not perfect and there exist      better financial services including   Investors have to approach
        gaps in terms of trust, quality,     tangible benefits by way of lower    Multiple Distributors across
        effectiveness and reach of financial  prices , better returns and more    Assets viz. MFs, Corporate FDs,
        services. iKuber has thus stepped    choices.                             Insurance, Loans etc
        into the market with a view          Challenges & iKuber’s calibrated     Over dependence on intermediaries
        towards addressing these gaps and    response                             while investing due to lack of
        launched its unique unparalleled     India’s financial technology         awareness of investment options
        digital concept of the “Financial    (fintech) sector though young is     There exist players in the market
        Marketplace” – All Financial         growing rapidly, fuelled by a large   providing disaggregated services
        Products Under One Roof.             market base, an innovation-driven    across Asset classes which
        The Fintech sector has the capacity   approach, and friendly government   limits the end-to-end view of the
        to deliver huge benefits across      policies and regulations.            Customer’s Portfolio leading to
        society: to small businesses - and   Additionally, India has a large      inability to provide Comprehensive
        to ordinary people, including the    untapped market for financial        Solutions across Financial Assets
        disadvantaged and vulnerable.        service technology startups – a      catering to Specific Needs of
        India as an economy is at the cusp   significant proportion of the 40     each Customer’s life stage and
        of a Savings boom. An estimated      percent population is currently not   are focused more on ‘pushing’
        USD 12 Trillion of savings over      connected to banks and 87 percent    products rather than offering
        the next 10 years! There is also a   of payments are made in cash.        tailor-made solutions. Paper
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