Page 14 - Top 10 India's Financial Startup 2019
P. 14


                                                                                      iKuber is engaged in
                                                                                      providing experiential
                                                                                      learning’s to college
                                                                                      graduates through
                                                                                      its comprehensive
                                                                                      and much sought
                                                                                      after Management
                                                                                      Internship programs           “

                                                                                  array of partnerships and tie-
                                                                                  ups. iKuber revels in delighting
                                                                                  its customers through its new
                                                                                  and innovative product offerings
                                                                                  delivered through its intuitive
                                                                                  and easy to use digital platform.
                                                                                  The digital platform of course is
                                                                                  accessible by its customers and
                                                                                  Corporate clients on a 24 x 7 basis
                                                                                  and is location agnostic (iKuber
                                                                                  has also launched its mobile
                                                                                  applications for both the iOS and
                                                                                  Android platforms). The purchase
        The USP of the iKuber solution       was formally incorporated in         process has been completely
        are as follows:                      November, 2017. Hosted at SINE,      demystified and made simple and
            •  Simple, Seamless, Holistic    IIT Bombay, iKuber has access to     easy to understand. Latest industry
               Digital Financial Planning    the best infrastructure and support   research and product information
               Platform                      facilities. iKuber seeks to bridge   is made available to the customers
            •  All Financial Products        a vital gap by providing access      for informed decision making.
               under One Platform            to all asset classes viz. Mutual     iKuber also helps structure the best
            •  End-to-end Digital            funds, Private Equity, PMS, Life     solutions for its corporate clients /
               fulfillment and paperless     Insurance, Health Insurance, Travel  institution partners.
               transactions                  Insurance, Motor Insurance, Home     iKuber also provides high end
            •  Goal and Solutions based      Insurance, Home Loans, Business      investment options for HNI’s/
               Approach (as opposed to       Loans, Corporate Deposits, NPS       SHNI’s in the form of PMS &
               pushing products)             under one roof.                      Private Equity.
            •  Ability to design Custom      iKuber has been extremely            iKuber has also been conducting
               Solutions                     selective in tying up with the best   very successful ‘Financial
            •  Depth of Coverage and         in line product manufacturers        Planning Sessions’ for Corporates
               ability to Scale              across Mutual Funds, Insurance,      aimed at significantly enhancing
        Blazing the trail                    Loans and other products. With       the Financial awareness of their
        iKuber, a young technology           over 20 partners, iKuber makes the   employees and provide them with
        driven wealth management firm,       best of the breed financial offerings  a structured approach towards
        is engaged in providing consulting   available to its consumers.          Financial Planning. This has been
        and distribution services. It        iKuber has established a Pan         highly popular and has received
                                             India presence through its vast      wide acclaim.
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