Page 18 - Top 10 India's Financial Startup 2019
P. 18
Alevant Financial Advisory Services:
It Pitches In With Its Vast Experience across Multiple Sectors and Expertise
In Leveraging Opportunities Arising In The Wake Of This Change
Alevant aggregates
socially impactful
product and services
and delivers to the
masses through an
extensive distribution
Sudip Kumar Mukherjee
W ho Are We address a heterogeneous swathe of Financial Advisory Services Private
population from the super rich, to
Alevant Financial
Advisory Services
middle class and the masses from
Private Limited, an ISO the nouveau riche, the ubiquitous Our Story
Alevant’s business entities
9001:2015 Company was both urban and the rural base. address a heterogeneous swathe of
incorporated with a vision to offer Alevant aggregates socially population from the super rich, to
services across multiple sectors. impactful product and services and the nouveau riche, the ubiquitous
As so rightly said by Greek delivers to the masses through an middle class and the masses
philosopher Heraclitus “Change extensive distribution network. from both urban and the rural
is the only constant”. And in this Well supported by the Customer base. Alevant aggregates socially
rapidly changing ecosystem, it is Relationship Management team impactful product and services and
extremely challenging to keep pace along with apt technology, Alevant delivers to the masses through an
and it is here that Alevant pitches has been able to satisfy its ever extensive distribution network.
in with its vast experience across increasing customer base in an Our Company Value
multiple sectors and expertise in innovative manner.
leveraging opportunities arising in The Visionary Leader Vision: Our Vision is to create last
the wake of this change. Sudip Kumar Mukherjee is the mile linkages to ensure delivery of
Basic Utility services, Financial
Alevant’s business entities Founder & Director of Alevant services, E Governance services,
18 November 2019