Page 21 - Top 10 India's Financial Startup 2019
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“        We are rapidly thriving

                                                      as an independent
                                                      and well-reputed
                                                      services provider                           with our state of
                                                      on the global                             art solutions.
                                                                                           Financial Services We
                                                                                         Are Offering

                                                                                      •  Aadhaar Banking/Aeps

                                                                                      •  Dmt/Money Transfer

                                                                                      •  Micro Atm

                                                                                      •  Mobile/Dth Recharge
                                                      and browsers. Thus, the         •  Bill Payment
                                                    chances of losing customers
                                                 are negligible. Finally, it will   BhartiPay Always welcomes
                                              help you with getting a better      partners
                                             conversion ratio.
                                                                                  Resellers/Partners have a great
       Sakshi Chawla                         Bhartipay’s Services                 opportunity to add on to their
       CEO                                                                        revenue just by recommending
                                             a. Payment Gateway                   their customers our name and rest
            •  We offer personalized                                              BhartiPay team will take care of
               support to all our            Fast and simply the best Payment     your customers and help them
               merchants, regardless of the   Gateway in its most innovative      onboarding accept payments
               scale of the enterprise.      and advanced form with powerful      online.
                                             tools to complement your business
            •  Our focus is to help our      needs.                               BhartiPay remains transparent
               merchant and to assist with                                        with all its resellers in sharing the
               best of our services.         b. White Label solutions             revenue what the recommended

        Reporting & Analytics                Regardless if you’re a licensed      merchant processes.
                                             payment institution, reseller
        Our Merchant panel is outstanding    or acquirer, you can make
        in terms of reporting & analytical   the Bhartipay’s gateway                • Founded in: 2017
        view. Also, It gives you a detailed   your own using its full White         • Founding Members: Sakshi
        report about the transactions.       label customization options.           Chawla

        Secure & Risk Free                   c. Enterprise gateway                  • Office Locations: Noida,
                                                                                    Uttar Pradesh
        We do follow all the risk rules      Our single-integration payment         • Company Strength: 11-50
        set at our fraud management          solution gives you access to a vast    employees
        engine. Above all, it gives peace of   network of leading acquirers and
        mind to the merchants.               payment providers.                     • Industry : Financial Services
                                                                                    • Website: www.bhartipay.
        Devices & Browsers                   d. Payment Processing Solutions        com

        We do support all the major devices  Payment processing made easy

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