Page 25 - Top 10 India's Financial Startup 2019
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society.”                            Happiness does not depend on             •  Accounting and
        We continue to follow this path      what you have or who you are,                Compliance
        unwavering in our focus and          It solely relies on what you think –     •  International Business
        unflappable in our determination.    Gautam Buddha                                Consulting
        Choice’s Core Values                 Following the above maxim he             •  Business Advisory
                                             believes his good fortune has to be
        At Choice, it’s the morals and       shared with society. He is part of       •  Stock Markets Investment
        ethics we have that make us strive   many Clubs and Councils which                and Trading
        harder to be the best. We stand by   provide further opportunities for        •  Mutual Funds Investment
        what we believe in and try to strike   everyone, regularly invited to
        perfection in nurturing financial    lecture at prestigious seminars,         •  Portfolio Management
        excellence. To do so, it’s only our   advocates the cause of women                Services
        principles that enable us. It’s what   empowerment (has helped built a        •  Insurance
        makes us who we are!                 women’s hostel) while leading the        •  Retail Loans
            •  Commitment: Any project                                            These are just few of the major
               or promise receives our       “                                    service segments and to put it in a
               unwavering commitment                                              simpler manner, if it’s a financial
            •  Honesty: What we portray        At Choice, it’s the                service, Choice Group provides
               is who we actually are, no      morals and ethics                  it. It truly believes in ‘Nurturing
               distinction whatsoever                                             Financial Excellence’  Choice
            •  Optimism: We see every          we have that                       Group has a strength of over
                                                                                  2500 employees spread across 28
               difficulty as a blooming        make us strive                     branches in India along with 4
               opportunity                     harder to be the                   International Offices in London,

            •  Innovation: The change that     best. We stand by                  Hong Kong, Dubai and Nairobi.
               unlocks new value to the                                           The firm also has strengthened
               system                          in and try to strike               its presence with franchises and

            •  Consistency: To deliver the     perfection                         business partners spread across
               best in class service, one      what we believe  “                 every location in India and across
               client at a time!                                                  the Globe. While we have a duty
                                                                                  to our Stakeholders, Choice
            •  Empowerment: Success is       group from strength to strength.     International is not just about
               mutually inclusive, we are                                         business; instead we are a socially
               partners in your growth       Choice’s Services                    responsible corporate which
               story.                        Today, Choice International          regularly gives back to society.
        The Skilful Visionary                Limited has a plethora of financial
                                             services which serve their massive
        CA Sunil Patodia is the Founder      clientele list. Some of the broader     • Founded in: 1993
        & Promoter of Choice. The seeds      services are:
        of a fully-integrated financial                                              • Founding Members: CA
        services Firm were sowed by              •  Management Consulting            Sunil Patodia
        our Multi-faceted promoter, CA           •  Taxation                         • Office Locations: Mumbai,
        Sunil Patodia. His distinguished         •  Investment Banking               Maharashtra
        experience of 25 years and                                                   • Company Strength: 1,001-
        achievements in this highly              •  IPO Readiness                    5,000 employees
        competitive sector has been looked       •  Corporate Finance
        upon as inspiration by many. It’s                                            • Industry : Financial Services
        his leadership and vision that           •  Merchant Banking                 • Website: www.choiceindia.
        enables Choice Group to function         •  GST                              com
        like a family.

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