Page 24 - Top 10 India's Financial Startup 2019
P. 24

Choice International :

         An End-To-End Financial Services Conglomerate, Encapsulating the
         Entire Range


                                                                                       the most preferred
                                                          CA Sunil Patodia             Our Vision is to be
                                                          Founder                      financial institution
                                                                                       providing premium
                                                                                       financial service
                                                                                       world-wide and
                                                                                       delivering quality
                                                                                       products and
                                                                                       services to our
                                                                                       Clients, business
                                                                                       partners and

               hoice Group is an End-        offices across India, presence in    corporate which regularly gives
               To-End financial services     every major economic centre,         back to society.
        Cconglomerate, encapsulating  with business partners spread
        the entire range; we have come a     globally and a diligent team of      Vision & Mission - सर्वश्रेष्ठ
        long way. Each passing year we       professionals. We have expedited     The vision of the Choice Group is
        keep widening our service portfolio  every complex transaction or any     reciprocally tied with its mission.
        to keep pace with technological      financial assistance that the clients   “To be the most preferred financial
        progress.                            have entrusted us with.              institution providing premium
        Lateral expansion followed out of    While we have a duty to our          financial service world-wide and
        a desire to put Financial Freedom    Stakeholders, Choice International   consistently delivering quality
        within arm’s reach of everyone       is not just about business; instead   products and services to our
        anywhere. To this end we have        we are a socially responsible        Clients, business partners and

             24  November 2019
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