Page 30 - Top 10 India's Financial Startup 2019
P. 30

7 Things to

          Consider Before

          Launching a

          ‘Fintech Startup’

            he impact of technology on the financial
            industry has been powerful. Traditional
        Tfinancial institutions, such as banks,
        have discovered that new technologies are
        indeed disruptive. This epiphany has forced
        age-old financial institutions to develop their         banking.
        own tech capabilities, and to stay ahead of             Banks still hold the assets, and many of them
        the game, many have partnered with fintech              have the capability and clout to either partner
        startups or acquired promising new companies.           up with fintech companies or buy them out. In
        However, the shorthand, “fintech,” has become           fact, this is already happening.
        a buzzword, encouraging budding entrepreneurs           3. Customer trust
        to believe that they can simply hitch their
        ventures on to the bandwagon in order to                Security has come to the forefront of all
        make a quick buck. As with any endeavor, this           tech ventures today. Data breaches and
        isn’t the case. New businesses, especially in an        cyberattacks are still rampant. With the nature
        emerging industry such as fintech, require careful      of the information fintech companies handle,
        planning and thought. Here are seven things that        they are becoming an optimal target for
        you need to consider before launching a fintech         cybercriminals. Getting attacked and having
        startup.                                                customer data stolen is a surefire way to lose
        1. Regulations                                          customer trust quickly.
                                                                Customer trust is key in the financial industry and
        Regulations are why financial services can be           it is becoming a rare commodity these days.
        a tough industry to break into. Laws have been
        put in place in order to safeguard financial            Many will be skeptical of any new services and
        systems from abuse. In addition, the amount of          most people would be wary of the risk sending
        compliance that is required of institutions often       out financial information or handing over
        involves the need for accountants and lawyers.          their money to fledgling fintech services. The
        However, fintech has ushered in new ways of             challenge lies in putting safeguards in place and
                                                                convincing prospects that your system is robust
        viewing and handling money and has become               and secure enough.
        a gray area for regulation. This is something
        that has been drawing the attention of                  4. The need for a strong team
        lawmakers, especially in fintech companies’             This might seem obvious, but fintech isn’t exactly
        charter applications to be “special purpose             an area where there are turnkey tools and free
        national banks.” This isn’t as straightforward as it    scripts one can use to come up with an app or
        seems since some fintech services such as peer-         service. This isn’t like some other tech ventures
        to-peer lending operate using new models.               where barriers to entry are relatively low.
        2. Competition from institutions                        Financial, technological and business expertise

        While banks have acknowledged the disruption            are all required to develop fintech. Then, there
                                                                are compliance requirements that may require
        fintech has created, this doesn’t mean that they        you to bring in legal help.
        will just accept defeat and step aside for the
        new guys. It isn’t exactly banks as institutions that   Building a strong team means that you must
        are under threat as much as it’s the way we do          attract talent in various areas of competence,
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