Page 31 - Top 10 India's Financial Startup 2019
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as it truly is a multidisciplinary effort.    technologies that would power the service. On
                 Fintech is still in a state of flux, at least   the plus side, technologies such as machine
                 in the foreseeable future, so the ability     learning and analytics engines are now being
                 to deliver or change direction quickly is     offered as a service by cloud platform providers
                 essential.                                    like Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform,

                 5. Unique and valuable service                which lowers the barrier for development.
                                                               However, these technologies have yet to fully
                 The fintech industry is starting to get       mature. You should be prepared for growing
                 crowded now that many pioneers have           pains and hiccups when using them.
                 done enough for new ventures to follow.       7. Funding
                 Still, a key entrepreneurial question to
                 ask is if your venture will be able to offer   Forming a tech startup isn’t cheap. If your
                 something unique and high value.              venture isn’t a partnership between experts who
                 All segments related to money are fair        can develop the entire product and business
                 game for fintech. We can now see              development, then be prepared to shell out a
                 fintech startups enter personal finance,      good sum for talent. As traditional institutions
                                                               try to assimilate fintech talent for themselves,
                                                               startups would surely face competition in the
        budgeting, payments, lending, investments and          hiring.
        insurance. All are trying to find solutions to
        consumers’ problems and offer new ways to do           There are also the typical capitalization and
        things. The danger for startups is to be a “me-        operating expenses associated with starting a
        too.” Copying can be a bad strategy, especially        business. What further increases the expense for
        if there are already similar services that are         fintech startups are integrations with traditional
        established in the niche.                              institutions such as banks and brokerages.
        6. Technology choices                                  Focusing on Innovation
        There are also a number of new technologies            Fintech isn’t for everybody. It demands expertise,
        that are hyped in fintech. Machine learning            creativity and frankly a lot of grit to launch a
        and artificial intelligence are now figuring in the    startup in a volatile and competitive industry.
        area of investments in the form of robo-advisors.      There are arguments highlighting the supposed
        This data and algorithm driven approach to             disconnect between the slow-changing realm
        investing is even challenging age-old financial        of finance and the fast-changing world of
        wisdom. Banks are also experimenting with using        technology. The pressure for tech companies to
        chatbots that would allow customers to                 deliver huge results rapidly can also be immense.
        check account information within Facebook              Still, if you believe that you will be able to solve
        Messenger.                                             financial issues for your users through innovative
                                                               means, go ahead. Fortune favors the bold. Just
        Other hot ticket technologies in fintech include       be smart with how you do it.
        blockchain and distributed ledgers. Blockchain,
        the technology powering the digital currency
        Bitcoin, is a decentralized way of exchanging
        value online. It is arguably the biggest threat to
        As a startup, you may have to bet on
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