Page 33 - Top 10 India's Financial Startup 2019
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thereby develop and motivate field and customers have been facing
teams to implement out-of-box “ issues. The solution though is that
initiatives brought about effective we need to collaborate to survive,
and long lasting product transitions Rome wasn’t built we also need to take the issues to
and up sell, channel penetration in a day, neither the service providers strongly and
and new business development. as one voice demand faster and
He always wanted to do something the trust which is easier solutions. One more huge
for the country and that urge got the primary step to threat to the industry. The Industry
him in touch with few like mined make any industry being dependent on technology
people and together they started makes it important to spread a
Mahagram a financial technology stand in the market need for digital awareness for its
company. eGovernance also being and find long term utilization. Most of all the risks, it
part of the service , the intention of solutions includes awareness programs for
helping take finance to the lowest safety against fraudsters who have
pockets of India which is in line of “ been using phishing calls, emails,
our current PMs Dream of securing messages to scam people. They
the Digital India , eventually he excite people with the bait of offers
realised that to grow and reach Setting Foot into the Industry and get the important details such
the entire country he will need No revolution was easily welcomed as account number, security pin,
to be part of an organisation, there were many hurdles and identity,, etc.
focussing on the same, which challenges that any change had to Mahagram’s Four Pillars
led to him eventually joining on go through and so does FinTech
board Mahagram with support Industry. As we know, Rome Mahagram stands on four pillars,
from the RBI GM and GM Indian wasn’t built in a day, neither the Ethics, Customer Care and
Bank among other top financial trust which is the primary step to Technology. At Mahagram the
honchos on the board of directors make any industry stand in the policy is innovation and ideation,
who believed in this vision and market and find long term solutions we give a lot of Importance to new
promised support with his Ideas also another challenge facing the ideas and try to develop the same to
and that where the journey of industry that is still not organised make life easier for the customers,
Mahagram took off, and in just and regularised the way other we seek to be the first movers or
over 3 years the reach and market industries work and due to which the innovators every time, twice
standing of what it has achieved, smaller players have not been every week there is a session
speaks volumes about the company able to provide proper service the with employees where new ideas
and the Vision reason being the last mile seller are encouraged, discussed and
November 2019 33