Page 32 - Top 10 India's Financial Startup 2019
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A Tech Driven Company Focusing On Innovative Banking & Financial
Technologies to Help Digitalising Villages
Mahagram helps
banks and local
government bodies
with implementing
citizen centric
projects in rural
Ram Shriram India Amit Singh
Founder & CEO “ Director
ahagram is Mumbai Mahagram helps government, offered and the most amazing part
based Business banks and local government bodies is everything is done at the local
MCorrespondent for several with implementing citizen centric Kirana shop or the store around
banks and pioneering for the cause projects in rural India. Their the corner which is a partner of
of financial inclusion. It is also a mission is to digitalise rural Indian Mahagram.
tech driven company focusing on with an easy access to all banking, Acknowledging Entrepreneurial
innovative banking & financial non-banking, government and other Dreams
technologies to help digitalising basic services. The services we
villages. By partnering with offer are Aadhar enabled payment Mr. Amit Singh, the Head
banks and financial institutions Services which works as a ATM Financial Inclusion Mahagram
Mahagram is providing hundreds used for cash Withdrawal at places is a Management Graduate
of millions of Indians who are where there are no banks within with more than 15 years of
under-banked and who do not accessible limits also Domestic experience in managing the
have the capability to resolve Money transfer, helping the financial inclusion program with
basic banking services and labourers from out of the state to an expertise in developing sub-
government schemes through their send money to their loved ones on distribution infrastructure and
20k established chain of retail immediate basis, we also have bill channel management, specifically
outlets called eGram Kendra. The payment services cutting the queue in upcountry markets. He takes
objective is to help poor needy at the service providers to nothing the credit of being Integral
folks with financial, government and recharges of mobile phones, member of team that pioneered the
and banking services through we also have the rights to make establishment of financial inclusion
neighbourhood shop owned New PAN card and duplicate pan in India. In most of the projects
and managed by local resident. card even correction is a service handled, his ability to connect with
the field at the grass-root level and
32 November 2019