Page 34 - Top 10 India's Financial Startup 2019
P. 34

even implemented if found good,      keeps increasing by the month. Our  to simplify the complexities as
        Our CEO and board of Directors       service is the talk of the industry   suggested by the end user, in all
        personally has set this precedent,   we are probably the only company     the services we are provide, we
        which makes the employees feel       which has dedicated RM for the       follow a strict ethics when it comes
        heard and also the output increases.  corporate clients/. Partners taking   to business deals, we would rather
        We eventually would like to be       care of them and helping them        lose a customer to our costing than
        known as the innovators and not      achieve their targets by engaging    compromise and spoil the Industry
        the followers, We have many also     with them on alternate day basis to   standards
        at times advised our business        encourage them, also in spite of a   In fact we always strive to think of
        partners on the way ahead in         retail team, in most of the cases we   this industries growth
        regards to technology                forward our retail lead to the most   Mahargam’s Inspiration

        As mentioned customer care is an     enterprising partners to make them
        issue In this particular industry.    do better, The ease of integration   Our CEO Mr Ram was on a visit
        We make sure that we within          the handholding done and the         to some interiors in Maharashtra
        reach of our customers. There is a   after sales service makes the entire   and he saw that almost 60 % or
        streamlined on boarding process      package a offer they cannot refuse   more are not aware leave alone
        making it easy for our clients to    On the Winning Side                  the financial inclusions, and he
        join our network. Our IT team        Our strategies are simple, Innovate,   always admired our PM who is
        is working daily to enhance our      Ideate and win, we push for          encouraging the same, and he along
        technology to make it fast, secure   innovation, we encourage Ideation    with a few likeminded people like
        and reliable. There are very few     and we want to be on the winning     our Director Amit got together and
        companies in this industry who       side.                                floated this Idea of Mahagram.
        can match our level of technical                                          The urge to do something for
        expertise.. Our job is only half     Holistic Development                 the country’s un included was a
        done when the user is onboard        We have been vociferous and          challenge and this is exactly why
        because Mahagram has a standard      always in support of collaboration   they got going and entered in this
        of being the best in industry        with anybody in the industry         segment

        Services That Speak For              to make the industry a fastest       Eyeing the Future
        Themselves                           growing one. Our CEO and the         We are working on a self-serviced
                                             Head Finacial Inclusion keep
        A. Clients Love doing business       meeting various industry heads to    but assisted banking services
        with us and that is prominently      understand how the entire industry   model for the remotest villages to
        visible by the numbers of addition   can grow. We keep meeting our        penetrate the FI and BFSI services
                                                                                  to the last mile through our 25000
        in the corporate clientele which
                                             service providers for ideations

        We have been

        vociferous and
        always in support
        of collaboration

        with anybody
        in the industry
        to make the

        industry a fastest
        growing one                    “

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