Page 38 - 2024 Nonprofit Industry Trends
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2024 needs to be a year that nonprofits focus on the health and well-being of their staff. Nationally, the non-profit workforce shortage is being seen as a crisis; the Council of Non-
One of the most significant issues facing nonprofits – particularly those who partner Key in 2024 will be a systemic approach for advocacy with elected officials to position Everyone you speak to has staffing issues as one of their top priorities. It is difficult to find Profits reported recently that over half of all organizations surveyed reported having more
with the government to serve our most vulnerable neighbors – is the issue of funding. collectively on policies that directly impact families. By engaging with policy makers, and retain staff, especially with respect to direct service providers, who are on the front-
Oftentimes, human services agencies are asked to front the money for programming. nonprofits can communicate the needs and concerns of the people we support, shaping line of working with some of the most vulnerable people we serve. Nonprofits need to find vacancies now than prior to the pandemic. The downstream effects on the end user, our valued
While this ensures we are able to provide our services to our clients as quickly and legislation to address social issues, allocate resources, and promote positive change. a way for staff salaries to stay in-step with the cost of living and housing, which means we clients, of this crisis cannot be underscored strongly enough. Additionally, organizational
efficiently as possible, it can negatively impact cash flow as we await reimbursement One significant issue facing Long Island families is raising the poverty threshold to need to advocate hard for these needs to funders, grantors, and donors. Nonprofit salaries strength, succession planning, burnout of existing staff and other liabilities emerge during
from our government partners. Further compounding the issue is the increasing costs protect them from not being excluded from vital assistance programs. A targeted have traditionally been lower, but that can’t be the case going forward if we are going to be staffing shortages. Competition to keep talent also becomes an issue especially if nonprofit
facing every industry across the nation, but especially the human services industry. approach is essential for developing effective strategies to alleviate poverty and able to continue to handle the tremendous needs our communities have. We can’t afford workers flee to the for-profit sector in this market.
An unfortunate byproduct of a tough economy is the number of people in need and the promote economic stability. to be ashamed of treating our teams to healthy and growth-oriented work environments. Locally, in New York City, we are facing dovetailing challenges of a migrant crisis, NYC budget
degree to which they are in need goes up. We never, ever want to deny our services to Where possible, we need to offer flexible and remote working, be creative in staff hours, cuts, and the ending of Covid era Federal programs that alleviated financial burdens both on
those who need us. And we are proud to say we’ve continued to assist thousands of New Nonprofits face a range of challenges to grapple with which can vary based on consider ways for better work/life balance, understand the needs of our staff (day care, individuals and helped temporarily buoy organizations. These factors are stressing the social
Yorkers as we navigate the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. That being said, the factors such as the organization’s size, mission, and the nature of activities. However, mental health, etc.), and develop a best-in-class work environment. services sector to a degree we have not seen in many years.
adequacy of the funding to cover the costs of delivering the services and, in the case of some common challenges include financial sustainability due to reliance on grants This will require nonprofits to better consider:
NYC, those who partner with the government, can be impacted by additional cuts. and contributions. Changes in funding priorities always pose a significant risk. A big issue for exalt that will have wider repercussions is that many foundations are shifting
Recommendations include always building strong donor relationships. Developing • Remote staffing with team building and accountability built in. priorities in funding and already a very small amount fund juvenile justice. With the extreme
Additionally, it cannot be overstated enough how important our team is. They are on government budget cuts to schools and the juvenile justice sector we will undo years of juvenile
the ground working every day and we want to be able to prioritize equitable pay for our robust evaluation methods, collecting meaningful data, and effectively communicating • Better quality training and not just more training offered to the team. justice reforms. Also, many of the professionals in the field live in the same communities that
workforce, in particular direct care employees, who are caring for those in need. Again, outcomes to stakeholders can enhance credibility and support. In addition, are under resourced with high arrest rates. Reduction in funding in this field has massive
without the support from government it becomes challenging to give routine raises and implementing cybersecurity measures, regularly updating technology infrastructure, • Incentives based on your team and your community. implications that we have seen in the past, specifically people relocating out of New York City
introduce other benefits to support organizations to ensure the wellness of the workforce. and providing staff with cybersecurity training are crucial for safeguarding sensitive • Team visibility (press, community recognition, etc)- not to be reserved only for executives. to communities that are safer and offer affordable housing (typically) not in NYC and adding
information. Finally, nonprofits must continue to ensure that the principles of diversity, Celebrate in meaningful ways that lead to better opportunities for your team in your nonprofit
Organizations will have to think innovatively and continue to create new ways of operating equity, and inclusion are embedded in organizational culture, policies, and practices or elsewhere. to the already high level of workforce challenges.
in a challenging climate without under-delivering for our clients. Prioritizing and adhering for long-term success and continue to recruit board members who have talent and Furthermore, in the face of international strife, domestic political unrest going into a contentious
to the mission is imperative but the business component cannot be ignored either. After contacts in the areas that the organization has identified for improvement. • Build core financial management expertise among the team - commit to helping them build presidential cycle and continuing division among everyday Americans, we must remain
all, keeping the business operable allows everyone to fulfill the mission. generational wealth, long term goals, credit, home ownership, etc. vigilant in focusing on the problems, and solutions, to which we are most proximate. For us,
As the workforce and its demands change, organizations will also need to take a look at • What do you have to offer your team as a result of the unique community relationships you at exalt, we must use our influence to continue to press for the right policy reforms, leaders,
and funding solutions for youth criminal justice at a local, state, and federal level, despite
their real estate footprint and assess their needs based on the makeup of the workforce. have been developing? Training and knowledge and access to industry experts must not be political roadblocks. We have to lay foundations to build on when the political environment can
As we see the workforce become more hybrid or remote, organizations will have to embrace progressive ideas and programs in a way it may not be able to presently.
consider what adjustments to operations are needed to meet this ever-changing need. • Build partnerships that develop the core skill sets of all combined team members. Share
In the same vein, it will be important to find new ways to build community among a expertise. Team members are often community members as well.
workforce that is not always coming into the office.