Page 21 - Business Insights Technology Industry
P. 21


 Changes  in  the  estimated  realizability   Accounting  for  deferred  taxes  involves
 Deferred  tax  assets  and  liabilities  are   of  deferred  tax  assets  will  require  future   navigating  intricate  rules  and  calculations.
 computed  based  on  expected  future  tax   adjustments to the valuation allowance. These   Understanding the interplay between deferred
 benefits  arising  from  temporary  differences   adjustments impact income tax expense, with   tax assets and liabilities, income tax expenses
 between current period taxable income versus   any increase or decrease in the valuation   and  benefits,  valuation  allowances,  and
 net income per the financial statements. These   allowance recognized as an adjustment in the   required disclosures is essential for accurate
 assets and liabilities are valued using enacted   period of change.  financial  reporting.  By  grasping  these
 tax rates expected to apply when temporary   concepts, businesses can ensure transparency
 differences reverse in future years.  SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS  and  compliance  while  optimizing  their  tax
       positions. Coordinating your tax and external
 DEFERRED TAX    Deferred tax assets arising from net operating   financial  statement  accountants  (typically
 loss  carryforwards  beginning  in  2018  can   they  are one and the  same, and generally
 be  carried  forward  indefinitely  for  most   should be) will help ensure that you’re both
 A valuation allowance is established when it’s   companies, though there are limitations on the   maximizing  tax  advantages  afforded  to  you
 more likely than not that a portion or all of a   amount of a net operating loss carryforward   and properly capturing and reporting any
 deferred tax asset won’t be realized. Factors   that may be applied to reduce taxable income   related  information.  These  are  concepts
 indicating  the  need  for  valuation  allowance   in a future tax year. Changes in tax rates can   and issues that we’ve spent many grappling
 include a history of operating losses, expiring   also  affect  the  value  of  deferred  tax  assets   with. If you think we can help you with this
 tax loss or credit carryforwards, and limited   and  liabilities,  impacting  the  recognition  of   challenging  finance  and  accounting  area,
 future taxable income sources.
 deferred income tax expense in the financial   please contact us.
 CALCULATING VALUATION   statements. Research and development credits
 ALLOWANCE  and deductions (which we have covered in a   LAUREN GRANDINETTI, CPA
 separate piece) also play an important role for   MANAGER
 The valuation allowance is calculated based   startups and technology-based companies in
 on the probability of realization of deferred   the calculation of deferred taxes.
 tax  assets.  For  instance,  if  management
 believes  only  60%  of  a  deferred  tax  asset   DISCLOSURES
 will  be  realized,  a  valuation  allowance  is
 established  for  the  remaining  40%.  Journal   As with many areas of the ASC, voluminous
 entries are made to recognize the deferred tax   disclosures are required in external financial
 asset and establish the valuation allowance as   statements  (that are normally audited or
 a contra account reducing the net value of the   reviewed by a CPA firm) relating to income
 deferred tax asset recognized in the financial   taxes and deferred taxes. These income tax-
 statements,  accordingly.  Subjectivity  of   related disclosures include entity types, filing
 course  comes  into  play  whenever  estimates   status, years under tax authority investigation,
 are being calculated, so you do have leeway   components  of  income  tax  expenses  in  the
 in  terms  of  setting  the  proper  allowance   financial statements, book-to-tax differences,
 rate. We often see that startups in cash burn   credits,  how valuation  allowances  are
 mode  without  any  clear  path  to  (or plans   determined,  and  many  others.  Familiarity
 for)  profitability  will  fully  reserve  against   with  these  disclosures  will  help  you  best
 any deferred tax assets in an effort to remain   prepare your internal records for any financial
 conservative.   statement audits you may need.

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