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HOW ASC 606 IMPACTS TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES                                                           HOW ASC 606 IMPACTS TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES

       ASC  606  introduces  several  complexities   1.  SAAS COMPANIES:              Implementing  ASC  606  poses  several   Provide  ongoing  training  sessions  to
       specific  to  technology  companies  and  SaaS                                 somewhat unique challenges for technology   employees  on  ASC  606  requirements,
       providers:                         Consider  a  SaaS  provider  offering  a  cloud-  companies and SaaS providers:  updates, and best practices to enhance their
                                          based project management software under an                                     understanding and application of the standard.
          SUBSCRIPTION-BASED REVENUE:     annual subscription. Under ASC 606, revenue   COMPLEX CONTRACT STRUCTURES:
                                          is  recognized  ratably  over  the  subscription                                    EXTERNAL EXPERTISE AND
       SaaS companies often provide services over   period  as  the  software  service  is  provided.   Technology contracts often involve multiple   AUDIT SUPPORT:
       time,  necessitating  careful  assessment  of   For example, if a customer signs a one-year   deliverables  or  bundled  services,  requiring
       when  control  of  the  service  is  transferred   contract  for  $12,000,  the  provider  would   careful  identification  and  allocation  of  Engage external consultants or auditors with
       to the customer and how revenue should be   recognize $1,000 of revenue each month over   transaction prices to each distinct obligation.  expertise  in  ASC  606  implementation  to
       recognized over the contract period.  the 12-month term.                                                          conduct periodic reviews, validate compliance
                                                                                        DATA AND SYSTEMS INTEGRATION:    efforts,  and  offer  recommendations  for
            VARIABLE CONSIDERATION:       2.        TECHNOLOGY                                                           improvement.
                                                 SERVICE PROVIDERS:                   Compliance  with ASC  606  demands  robust
       Contracts  in  the  tech  industry  frequently                                 systems capable of capturing and processing   CONCLUSION
       include  variable  elements  such  as  usage-  A  technology  consulting  firm  engages   data related to contract  terms, pricing, and
                                          in  a  project  to  implement  customized
       based fees or performance bonuses. ASC 606   software solutions for a client. The contract   performance  metrics.  Integration  between  ASC  606  represents  a  pivotal  shift  in
       requires  companies  to  estimate  and  adjust   specifies milestone payments tied to project   financial systems and operational databases is  revenue recognition practices for technology
       revenue recognition based on these variables,   deliverables, such as completion of software   crucial for accurate revenue reporting.  companies  and  SaaS  providers,  demanding
       impacting financial reporting accuracy.                                                                           meticulous  application  and  adherence  to  its
                                          modules.  Revenue  recognition  under  ASC   INTERDEPARTMENTAL COORDINATION:  principles.  By  embracing  ASC  606,  these
                                          606  aligns  with  these  milestones,  ensuring                                industries  can  achieve  greater  transparency,
                                          revenue is recognized  as services are      Ensuring alignment between sales, operations,  accuracy,  and  consistency  in  financial
                                          performed and milestones are achieved.
       Changes in contract terms, such as upgrades or                                 and finance teams is essential for interpreting  reporting,  thereby  enhancing  stakeholder
       extensions, require reassessment under ASC   HARDWARE SALES WITH               contract terms correctly and applying revenue  trust and supporting sustainable growth in the
       606  to  determine  if  they  represent  separate   3.  EMBEDDED SOFTWARE:     recognition policies consistently across  the  competitive  tech  marketplace.  Realistically
       performance  obligations  or  modifications                                    organization.                      though,  ASC  606  will  prove  frustrating
       to  existing  obligations,  influencing  revenue   A hardware manufacturer sells smart devices                    and  difficult  to  implement  without  the
       recognition timing and amounts.    that  include  embedded  software  with     To  address  these  challenges  and  ensure  proper  support  and  resources.  Effectively
                                          ongoing  updates  and  support  services. ASC   compliance  with  ASC  606,  technology  navigating  ASC  606  requires  a  proactive
                                                                                                                         approach, leveraging technology solutions,
                                                                                      companies can adopt strategic solutions:
                                          606  requires  the  manufacturer  to  allocate                                 fostering  cross-functional  collaboration,  and
                                          revenue between the hardware and software               ADVANCED
                                          components based on their standalone selling   REVENUE RECOGNITION SOFTWARE:   prioritizing  ongoing education  to meet  the
                                          prices.  Revenue  from  the  hardware  sale                                    evolving demands of regulatory compliance
                                          and  software  updates  would  be  recognized   Deploying  specialized  software  solutions   and financial transparency. If your company
                                                                                                                         hasn’t adequately considered the impacts of
                                          separately  as  performance  obligations  are   can automate revenue calculations, facilitate   ASC  606,  we  can  help  on  your  journey  to
                                          fulfilled.                                  compliance audits, and enhance accuracy in   reach  compliance  and  a  sufficient  level  of
                                                                                      revenue reporting.                 understanding.
                                                                                         ENHANCED CROSS-FUNCTIONAL
                                                                                      Foster  regular  communication  and    MATTHEW BURKE, CPA
                                                                                      collaboration between departments involved          PARTNER
                                                                                      in contract  negotiation,  service delivery,
                                                                                      and  financial  reporting  to  ensure  a  unified
                                                                                      approach to revenue recognition.
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