Page 8 - Business Insights Technology Industry
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                                             ONE OF  THE BEST INCENTIVES  AVAILABLE  TO
                                            TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES COMES IN THE FORM
                                           OF  THE  CREDIT  FOR  INCREASING  RESEARCH                        CLAIM PROCESS:
                                         ACTIVITIES OR  AS ITS MORE COMMONLY KNOW THE
                                       RESEARCH  AND DEVELOPMENT (R&D)  TAX  CREDIT.     To  claim  the  R&D  tax  credit,  businesses  must  file  IRS  Form  6765,  “Credit for Increasing Research
                                      THESE CREDITS CAN HELP SERVE  AS  A CATALYST FOR   Activities,” with their timely tax return. Additionally, retroactive claims can be made by amending prior tax
                                    INNOVATION  AND  GROWTH,  OFFER  THE  BUSINESS CASE   returns within the previous three years.
                                 WHILE BENEFITING FROM SIGNIFICANT TAX INCENTIVES.  ENACTED   When claiming the credit, taxpayers have the option of either the Regular or Alternative Simplified Method.
                               AS A PERMANENT FIXTURE UNDER THE PROTECTING AMERICANS   Additionally, the amount of the credit claimed would need to be taken as income in the year of the claim;
                              FROM  TAX HIKES (PATH)  ACT IN 2015,  THE R&D  TAX CREDIT   however, in a post-Section 174 capitalization world most taxpayers will opt to take a reduced credit in
                            INCENTIVIZES  RESEARCH AND  DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES  WITHIN  THE   exchange for the addback given its interaction with the capitalization.
                         EMBRACING STARTUP VENTURES AND NURTURING A CULTURE OF INNOVATION   After claiming on a tax return via Form 6765, technology companies can either use the credit to reduce
                       ACROSS INDUSTRIES.                                         current taxes, carry forward to future years or under certain circumstances, claim as a reduction of payroll
           QUALIFYING RESEARCH ACTIVITIES - FOUR PART TEST                        taxes due.  Many early-stage technology firms will choose to, assuming they qualify, take against payroll
                                                                                  taxes, as this provides the fastest monetization of the credit.
   For expenditures to be eligible for the R&D Credit they first must meet all parts of a four-part test.     DOCUMENTATION:
    ►  New or Improved Business Component: The IRS considers a business component to be any product,   Like with most other tax matters, strong documentation is critical for the taxpayer claiming a Research and
      process, computer software, technique, formula or invention to either be held for sale or used in the   Development Credit. The documentation should include:
      business of a taxpayer.
                                                                                  ►  What business components were being worked on
    ►  Elimination of Uncertainty: Activities must intend to discover information that was unknown to the
      taxpayer as to the design, methodology or capability of the business component.  ►  Who is working on them and what time was spent on these
    ►  Process of Experimentation: The taxpayer must perform an evaluation of alternatives, including   ►  Research activities performed
      testing, modeling or systematic trial and error to eliminate the uncertainty.  The key here is that the   ►  The information sought to discover
      expenses must represent research and development expenses in the experimental or laboratory sense,
      which are undertaken for the elimination of uncertainty.                    In software development, the use of an Agile Fibonacci process is one of the most common approaches to
    ► Technological  in Nature:  The  expenses  must  rely  on  scientific  principles  or  similar,  such  as   keeping this documentation, including the story and process points which help document both the component
                                                                                  and the activities performed, as well as time. The tax court has recently allowed estimates to be used for the
                                                                                  time allocations as well, however, they are subject to more controversy.
   For most early stage and technology companies, these activities will often revolve around their product   SECTION 174 CAPITALIZATION:
   offering, both in its initial development and then ongoing features.
                                                                                  In a sense counterintuitive to all of the above, starting in tax year 2022 as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs
                ELIGIBLE EXPENDITURES FOR R&D CREDITS                             Act businesses were required to capitalize and amortize research and development costs (over 60 or 180
   Eligible expenses include qualified wages, supplies and contract research expenses.    months), rather than expense outright. The prior law which allowed expensing also intentionally used a
                                                                                  broad definition of Research and Development costs under Section 174 as to allow these to be deducted
    ► Wages can be for both employees that are directly performing research and their related supervision;   easier and quicker.  This change has now impacted firms in the complete opposite manner of the R&D
     it does not however include any benefits or other costs. The calculation for employees is usually based   Credit, by increasing tax bills in an artificial manner by delaying these deductions. While the R&D Credit
     on what percentage of their time is spent doing Research and Development activities; if 80% or more   and this capitalization are thought of in unison, they are in fact different tax code sections; said differently,
     of their time is spent on these activities, then it is considered substantially all is spent in Research and   even if a taxpayer does NOT claim an R&D Tax Credit, they still may be subject to this capitalization which
     Development and their time is allocated at 100%.                             will require much of the same analysis. This provision has proven to be wildly unpopular and features
    ► Supplies are for items of tangible personal property (which can include software) used in the Research   bipartisan support for repeal, but as of 2024 still has yet to be repealed.
     and Development process.  However, specifically excluded from this category are capitalized items.
    ► Contract research expenses are for amounts paid to 3rd parties for research and can be included
     generally at 65% of the incurred amount.
                                                                                                                            JACOB LUTZ, CPA, MBA
   Crucially, one of the requirements of claiming these expenditures is that the activities must be performed in                         MANAGER
   the United States.
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