Page 13 - C&A's Nonprofit Board Guide
P. 13

NONPROFIT BOARD   ►  The  Board  must  have  written  conflict   ►  The  Board  should  have  in  place  or
           of  interest  policies  that  will  govern
                                             implement  a  written  whistleblower
 POLICIES & PROCEDURES  the independence of directors, officers,   policy  to  encourage  employees  to
                                             make  anonymous,  good  faith  reports
           and employees, as well as transactions
           in  which  directors,  officers,  and
           employees  have  a  financial  interest.   misappropriation,  etc.,  without  being
           This  policy  must  cover  definitions;   fearful  of  retribution.  Organizations
           disclosure  procedures;  that  the  person   with 20 or more employees and annual
           with the conflict not be present for the   revenue  in  excess  of  $1  million  are
           deliberation  or  vote;  that  he/she  not   required  to  adopt  a  whistleblower
           improperly influence the deliberation or   policy and they must distribute a copy
           voting; and the existence of the conflict   of  the  policy  to  all  directors,  officers,
                                             employees, and volunteers who provide
           and  process  must  be  documented  in
 A    successful  nonprofit  organization   the  minutes  of  any  meeting  where   substantial services to the organization.
 relies on a Board of Directors that
 adheres to best practice policies and   discussed or acted on. There should be   The  distribution  requirement  may
 procedures.  Such  policies  help  to  ensure   annually-signed  disclosure  statements   be  satisfied  by  posting  the  policy  on
 that the Board remains aware of the status of   that  the  Secretary  or  Secretary’s   the  organization’s  publicly  available
 the organization, creates accountability, and   designee  provides  to  the  Chair  of  the   website or at its offices in a conspicuous
 helps  the  Board  make  unbiased  decisions   Audit  Committee  or  if  there  is  not   location  accessible  by  employees
 in  the  best  interests  of  the  organization.   one,  to  the  Chair  of  the  Board.  The   and  volunteers.  The  policy  must  have
 Outlined  below  are  some  practices  and   Board  will  need  to  actively  assess   procedures  for  reporting  suspected
 key  policies  that  every  organization’s   and  approve  transactions  between  the   violations,  preserving  confidentiality,
 Board  should  consider  implementing.  It   nonprofit  and  its  directors,  officers,   and  protecting  whistleblowers  from
 is important to note that effective January   and  key  employees,  including  their   retaliation. The policy should designate
 1,  2017  an  employee  of  an  organization   relatives  and  other  organizational   an  employee,  officer,  or  director  to
 cannot  also  function  as  the  “chair” of   affiliations.  An  interested  person  will   administer  and  report  to  the  Audit
 its  Board.  Employees  can  still  be  on  the   have  to  disclose  the  material  facts  of   or  other  committee  of  independent
 Board, but this is no longer considered best   his or her relationship in a related party   directors,  or  if  no  committee,  to  the
 practice. The actual functions of the Board   transaction to the Board and be absent   Board.
 position, not the title itself (chair, president,   from  Board  discussions  and  votes.   ►  The  Board  should  have  in  place
 etc.), is most relevant.  The  Board  will  need  to  approve  and   or  implement  a  written  document
 ►  A formal IRS Form 990 review process   document  that  the  transaction  is  fair,   retention and destruction policy. There
           reasonable, and in the best interests of
 should  be  implemented  whereby  a   the  nonprofit,  and  consider  alternative   are  certain  types  of  documents  that
 completed  copy  of  IRS  Form  990  is   options.  The  Attorney  General  will   may need to be retained for a period of
 distributed  or  made  available  to  all   have  power  to  bring  action  to  enjoin   time.  Staff  members  should  be  aware
 members of its governing body before   or rescind any related party transaction   of these documents, so they can shred
 filing the form. The Board should create   which  it  determines  do  not  meet  the   unnecessary  papers,  and  retain  key
 and  implement  a  set  process  to  be   standards.   documents.
 followed by the organization to review
 the  990. This  helps  to  ensure  that  the
 Board is aware of what is being reported
 to  the  IRS  and  the  outside  world,  as
 an  organization’s  990  is  posted  on
 GuideStar  and  other  websites,  and  is
 accessible to anyone that would like to
 review it.

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