Page 18 - C&A's Nonprofit Board Guide
P. 18
The Executive Director must also keep the Board
STAFF MANAGEMENT informed as to what the organization is doing.
The Executive Director attends Board meetings
The Executive Director hires, supervises, and and maintains open lines of communication with
motivates the staff of the nonprofit. It is the the Board of Directors.
Executive Director’s responsibility to ensure the
organization is properly staffed, all of the staff ENSURE EFFECTIVE OPERATIONS
members have appropriate job descriptions, job
performance is evaluated and pay is appropriate The Executive Director is responsible for running
within a predetermined scale, staff members are the day-to-day operations of the organization. It
following organizational policies and protocols, is the Board’s responsibility to provide the overall
and that everyone is properly trained and on the framework, but it is the Executive Director that
same page in terms of organizational mission steers the ship to ensure the organization stays
and goals. The staff of a nonprofit traditionally on course. This framework is often developed
comprise more than 70% of a nonprofit’s annual jointly by the Board and Executive Director
expenditures, so this can be a significant part of through a strategic plan which provides a road
the Executive Director’s responsibilities. map for management to follow.
DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF In order for an organization to be effective,
POLICIES AND PROGRAMS the Executive Director and the Board must
ROLES OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR While it is the Board’s responsibility to interactive communication, and develop a
embrace their roles, open up lines of strong
collaborative relationship focused on ensuring
set policies, it is the Executive Director’s
responsibility to ensure that the Board’s policies the organization’s mission is carried out in the
are properly implemented. In many organizations, most effective and efficient way. If the Board
the Executive Director may suggest policy to the and management aren’t in-synch, with the Board
Board, but ultimately the establishment of such providing governance, oversight, and monitoring
policies rests with the Board. It is management’s organizational effectiveness, and management,
role to put procedures in place to ensure that building off the framework provided by the
policies are effectively being followed. Board, guiding the various components of
the organization so that they are functioning
W hile the Board’s role is to oversee, the role of the Executive Director is to execute the policies, in harmony, the organization will not reach
programs, and initiatives established by the Board. The Executive Director is responsible for
running the day-to-day operations of the organization. The Executive Director is an employee its full potential. Like with any relationship,
of the organization whose responsibilities are determined, and performance monitored, by the Board communication and trust are essential.
of Directors.
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