Page 4 - C&A's Nonprofit Board Guide
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Even if you have determined that you have Can you put the interests of the organization
a passion for the cause, that still may not be ahead of your own? This is part of your duty of
sufficient. Do you have knowledge, skills, loyalty to the organization. Regardless of your
experience, contacts, or other qualities that will personal feelings and goals, the interests of the
assist the Board in performing its functions? organization must come first.
Perhaps those who extended the invitation can
offer some insight on this. A high-functioning ASSESSING THE ORGANIZATION:
Board will have thought this question through
in advance and be prepared to offer a detailed If you’ve determined that you’re suited for
answer. After determining what they have in the responsibilities, focus on whether the
mind, contemplate whether you see your ability organization is right for you. Take a close look
to contribute the same way they do. at the other leaders of the organization. Do you
know them? Are they people you respect or
WHAT ARE THE FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS can respect? You need to be comfortable with
OF BEING A BOARD MEMBER? the people you are sharing responsibility with.
Additionally, review the financial condition of
Many Boards have financial expectations for the organization and understand its vision and
each member. A “give and/or get” Board policy strategic plan. Is the Board actively engaged in
may exist, which requires each Board member pursuing the organization’s goals?
to contribute and/or obtain gifts of a specified
dollar amount. The Board may also expect you LEGAL AND PROTECTIVE MEASURES:
to absorb the costs of being a director, such as
the price of meals, travel, and gas. Whatever Finally, inquire about what protections the
form these financial expectations take, you need organization offers its directors. This includes
to be prepared to meet them before accepting a understanding indemnification policies and the
Board position. availability of Directors and Officers (D&O)
insurance. Ensure you are comfortable with the
ou’ve been asked by a nonprofit
Y organization to join its Board of Directors. UNDERSTANDING THE level of protection provided, as this is crucial
given the potential legal responsibilities of
With that comes a tremendous level of ARE YOU PASSIONATE ABOUT Board membership.
responsibility that goes beyond just showing THE ORGANIZATION AND It’s crucial to understand the time commitment
up for meetings and passing resolutions. It THE IMPACT IT HAS ON SOCIETY? involved. Know when and where Board Deciding to join a Board is not a simple matter.
requires an understanding of what being a Board meetings are held, how often they occur, and There are quite a few questions and points to
member entails: your duties, the organization’s Having passion for the organization and its whether you’re expected to attend events or consider. Who would have thought when you got
expectations, your legal exposure, the role cause is perhaps the most vital trait that someone participate in volunteer activities. Clarify if you the invitation to join a local nonprofit Board that
you’ll be expected to play, the time and money can bring to an organization. If you don’t have are required to sit on committees and what those the process of deciding whether to say yes would
commitment, etc. It also requires some due passion, you may find yourself reluctant to make commitments entail. be so lengthy and strenuous? Please don’t be
diligence and soul searching on your part. the sacrifices or put in the time, energy, and discouraged. Most good nonprofits will pass all
effort to meet the organization’s expectations. UNDERSTANDING HOW of the tests above with flying colors.
It is critical to determine if you are the right We’re all busy. Many of us have work or family THE BOARD FUNCTIONS:
person for the job. You need to look in the obligations that hinder our capacity to offer time We commend you on your interest to give back
mirror and ask yourself some difficult questions. and/or energy to a nonprofit — even one that we Be aware of the Board’s role in fundraising. to the community and express our hope that your
Remember, the organization has certain have a personal passion for. You need to find out Are you comfortable with fundraising efforts, service on a nonprofit Board is both satisfying
expectations of you as a director and you need what the time requirements are, and then decide whether through personal networks, events, and rewarding. Whatever the process is to get
to recognize exactly what these expectations whether you can and want to realistically meet or other means? Understanding this aspect is you to the point of saying “yes,” once you do,
are in order to conclude whether or not you’re those expectations. essential as fundraising often plays a critical role the personal sacrifices and contributions you
prepared to make the sacrifice. Outlined below in the organization’s sustainability and growth. make will no doubt be much-appreciated and
are some important questions and key points to gratifying.
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