Page 44 - C&A's Nonprofit Board Guide
P. 44

TOO MANY NONPROFITS, TOO LITTLE M&A                                                                        TOO MANY NONPROFITS, TOO LITTLE M&A

        DOES THIS M&A SUPPORT OR ENHANCE    Once  the  organization  has  had  time  to
           THE ORGANIZATION’S MISSION?    explore  these  thoughts,  and  if  its  leaders
                                          decide  to  move  forward  at  this  point,  a
       Remember  why  the  organization  exists  in   more detailed analysis should ensue. Create   If  you  decide  to  move  forward  from
       the first place. Think about how the M&A   a  reasonable  and  realistic  budget  for  the   here,  start  designing  the  newly  combined
       would  benefit  or  hinder  the  organization.   M&A.  Capture  every  cost  you  can  think   entity.  Gather  all  contracts  and  historical
       What would ultimately  happen to the   of  including  travel,  legal  and  accounting   business records from the original entities,
       organization if the M&A didn’t occur?   fees,  additional  compensation,  etc.  Don’t   determine  if  the  transaction  will  be  a
       Does the merging or acquiring entity have   forget to leave room for unexpected costs.   merger,  acquisition,  or  joint  venture,  and
       similar goals in its mission statement?  Specific  details  from  both  entities  should   create  a  meaningful  name.  Who will be
                                          be  reviewed,  including  the  latest  set  of   on the Board? How will the assets and
            WHAT CHALLENGES DOES THE      financial  statements,  a  list  of  donors,  and   liabilities  from the originating entities
         ORGANIZATION CURRENTLY FACE THAT   organizational charts, among others. Once   be integrated?  Which overlapping costs
              COULD HINDER THE M&A        all  vital  information  has  been  reviewed,   could be eliminated from the combined
         OPPORTUNITY AND HOW CAN THOSE    consolidate  it  all  into  a  summary  that   entity?  Build  this  new  organization  using
            CHALLENGES BE MITIGATED?      lays  out  how  the  M&A  will  impact  both   each  entity’s  best  features.  Think  about
                                          organizations. This helps paint a picture and   location,  operational  details,  and  review
       Cost  is  an  issue  that  faces  many  M&A   will ultimately be a crutch in your decision-  administrative procedures and agreements.
       candidates.  Both  organizations  should  be   making regarding whether to move forward   Brainstorm  new  long-term  and  short-
       writing up a formal business plan that paints   with  the  M&A. This  also  shows  that  you
       a picture for a fluid M&A throughout. This   have done your due diligence and will leave   term goals, as well as your plans to reach
       should be prepared in a way that is ready to   minimal room for surprises.      those  goals.  What needs to be done to
                                                                                       ensure  this  new  organization  fulfills  its
       present to potential donors who would be                                        mission?  Which funders are  most  likely
       interested in providing funds to help with                                      to provide help? Make sure all employees
       the process. Ensure the organization doesn’t
       miss  a  beat  by  reviewing  any  compliance                                   understand  their  new  roles.  Granted,  the
       requirements with laws and regulations.                                         initial transition might be a bumpy ride, but
                                                                                       through practice and time, the M&A will be
                                                                                       something of the past and your organization
             WOULD THE ORGANIZATION                                                    will be operating smoothly again.
              FACE WITH THIS M&A?
                                                                                       In the nonprofit world, these opportunities
       In addition to the expansion of geographic                                      usually  come  when  someone  in  a  key
       influence  and  the  impact  on  a  more                                        management position is retiring or an entity
       widespread  population,  some  may  find                                        is  in  financial  distress.  This  is  a  reactive
       the  advantageous  expertise  and  long-term                                    approach to M&A and the opportunity may
       financial  stability  to  be  attractive  factors.                              not come forth at the best time for you. If
       Disadvantages  the  organization  may  want                                     you treat M&A as a routine option for your
       to  consider  include  negative  reactions                                      nonprofit,  you  will  take  a  more  proactive
       from donors or staff, programs that become                                      approach and the opportunity will be there
       muddled and don’t differentiate themselves                                      when  you’re  ready.  Gain  a  competitive
       from  one  another,  or  a  M&A  candidate                                      advantage in your nonprofit service area. At
       that  has  goals  so  far  from  your  own  that                                least consider making M&A a streamlined
       the  organizations  would  not  consolidate                                     part  of  your  organization’s  business
       seamlessly.                                                                     strategy.

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