Page 19 - PC Tax RFP
P. 19
Quality Assurance/Quality Control
The Perry Company will incorporate various 3rd party consultants to help insure that all quality control measures are met. Field Engineer Rob Swezey will be in charge of coordinating these activities. Specific quality control measures that will be taken to insure compliance with the plans and specifications include:
• All subgrade material (ie virgin soil) at the building pad will be tested to insure that it meets all density requirements, and that it is acceptable for construction without further measures.
• All import fill material will be tested for acceptability, and all building pad lifts will be tested.
• All structural cast in place concrete will be tested to insure that it meets minimum compressive strength requirements as specified by the structural engineer.
• All structural steel will be visually inspected to insure compliance with the plans and specifications. All welders on site will be required to have current and up to date welding certifications.
• All roofing will be inspected during installation. Additionally, the roofing will be inspected by the roofing manufacturer to insure that the installation meets their requirements for an extended warranty, and an extended warranty will be provided.
• All interior build out components will go through the normal Hillsborough County inspection requirements.
• At the conclusion of construction, the building HVAC systems will be independently test and balanced to insure that the equipment is operating as designed, and a written report will be submitted to the Tax Collector’s office for their records.
• At the Tax Collectors option, the electrical system will be infrared tested to insure that all components are working properly and within design parameters.
• At the conclusion of construction, the Tax Collectors’ office, as well as the Architect and Engineers of Record, with the assistance of The Perry Company, will develop a punch list of items deemed to need corrective work. The Perry Company will immediately start corrections, and finish as expeditiously as possible.
• All As-Built conditions will be fully documented, and the construction prints will be revised to reflect those conditions. At the conclusion of the project, all construction drawings, corrected to As-Built conditions, will be turned over to the Tax Collectors