Page 20 - PC Tax RFP
P. 20
Job-site Security
The Perry Company places a very high value on job-site security. The parts and pieces of a modern commercial office building are quite valuable, and if not properly safeguarded, can result in substantial financial loss. Specific measures that we will take to insure the security of the job-site include:
• After clearing and grubbing the site, and prior to the start of vertical construction, there will be temporary fencing installed with gated access to the job-site. This fence will remain in place throughout the course of construction. There will be a single point of entrance, with gated access, that will be locked during all non-working hours.
• The Perry Company will utilize web based security cameras at key points on the job-site, including the main access point, to monitor all activities. All activities on these cameras will be recorded, to allow future review in the event of theft. An added benefit to these types of security cameras is that the Tax Collector will be provided with a time-lapse video at the conclusion of the project, capturing the project from start to finish.
• The entire job-site will have security lighting at night throughout construction process.
On-site Supervision
The Perry Company will have a full time superintendent on-site Monday-Friday 7am-4pm. The superintendent will oversee the project from day one of construction through final punch list.
Temporary Structure
There will be a secured construction trailer. There will not be a restroom. There will be enough room for team meetings.