Page 35 - PC Tax RFP
P. 35
Ability to Meet Schedule and Budget Requirements
The Perry Company and our project team have a long history of successfully managing Design/Build projects for both the public and private sectors. Our project approach utilizes a team method that is master coordinated through a Critical Path schedule. Our proposed CPM for this project is attached for your review.
Utilizing the Critical Path Method, the Project Team has determined with a high level of confidence that we can and will deliver this project to the Tax Collectors Office, complete, and open for business before April 26, 2008.
Specific measures that will be taken to insure that the project schedule is met, and that all budget targets are attained, include the following:
• During the start of the Design/Preconstruction phase, Edge Architecture will develop a design schematic that will include proposed elevations and a basic one-line floor plan. These schematic drawings will be reviewed by the Perry Company to insure that they meet the program requirements of the Tax Collectors office, and that the proposed design can be constructed within project budget. The Tax Collector will also review these schematic drawings for approval prior to commencing with 50% design development drawings. At this time, the Perry Company will guarantee the overall project based on the design schematics, and a project specification that will be prepared.
• The next phase of the project will be the design development phase, which will essentially take the drawings to the 50% complete level. At this point, the Perry Company will distribute the drawings to select members of the subcontractor for review and budgeting. This is a critical step in the process to insure that we are heading in the right direction. Again, the Tax Collectors office will be involved every step of the way, and we will look to you for any feedback and confirmation that we are meeting every aspect of your design intent.
• Upon completion and approval of the Design Development drawings, the entire design team will then proceed to create complete contract documents for permitting. The Tax Collectors office will have review and input every step of the way. Upon completion of the drawings, they will be immediately submitted for permit concurrently with the final review by the Tax Collectors office. This is a critical time saving step, that will allow us to revise the prints one final time, incorporating any comments from the Hillsborough County Building Department, as well as make any changes requested by the Tax Collector all at the same time. This way, when the permit is issued, we are working off a 100% complete, ready for construction set of plans.
• Concurrently with when the drawings are sent in for permit, they will also be distributed to the subcontractor community for competitive pricing. The Perry Company will only distribute the drawings
to subcontractors that have been pre-qualified regarding their ability to successfully complete a project of this type. Every proposal will be vetted to insure a complete Scope of Work, and the final project costs will be determined. Given this approach, our entire subcontractor team should be in place the day the permit is issued.