Page 22 - HPS 2016 Catalogue
P. 22

ICP Multielement Standards

        Wavelength Calibration Solution

         Catalog No.  Element    Conc.      Element     Conc.      Element     Conc.      Matrix
         WAVECAL      As         20 μg/mL   Mn          20 μg/mL   P           100 μg/mL  2% HCl
                      K          100        Mo          20         S           100
                      La         20         Na          20         Sc          20
                      Li         20         Ni          20
         WAVECAL-2    Al         50         Cr          50         Ni          50         5% HNO 3
                      As         50         Cu          50         Pb          50
                      Ba         50         K           500        Se          50
                      Cd         50         Mn          50         Sr          50
                      Co         50         Mo          50         Zn          50
         WAVECAL-PE   Ba         1          La          10         Na          10         2% HNO 3
                      Ca         1          Li          10         Sr          10
                      K          50         Mn          10

        Interference Check Standards                                                                                   ICP Multielement Standards

         Catalog No.  Element  Conc.    Element  Conc.    Element  Conc.    Element   Conc.    Matrix
         INFCS-1      Ag*      300      Cr       300      Mn       200      V         300      4% HNO 3
                      As       1000     co       300      Ni       300      Zn        300
                      Ba       300      Cu       300      Pb       1000
                      Be       100      Hg       50       Se       500
                      Cd       300      K        20000    Tl       1000
         INFCS-2      Sb       1000                                                            20% HCl
         INFCS-3      B        500      Mo       300      Si       250      Ti        1000     2% HNO  + Tr HF
         INFCS-4      Al       5000     Ca       5000     Fe       5000     Mg        5000     5% HNO 3
         INFCS-5      K        5000     Na       5000                                          2% HCl
         INFCS-6      Al       1200     Fe       5000     Mg       3000     Na        1000     4% HNO 3
                      Ca       6000
         INFCS-7*     Al       1000     Fe       1000     Mg       1000     Na        1000     5% HNO 3
                      Ca       1000     K        1000
        *Also see page 24 for additional interference check standards

        ICP Stock Solution

        Used to prepare working calibration standards and instrument performance check standards. These working calibration
        solutions are prepared from the stock solutions by making 100-, 20- and 10- fold dilutions. The working matrix is 1%
        HNO 3 . To prepare an instrument check standard, the stock solution is diluted 40 fold in 1% HNO 3 .

         Catalog No.  Element  Conc.    Element  Conc.    Element  Conc.    Element   Conc.    Matrix
         ICP-SS       Ag       1.5 μg/mL  Cd     20 μg/mL  Mn      20 μg/mL  Sn       20       2% HNO + Tr HF
                      Al       100      Co       20       Na       2000     Sr        100
                      As       25       Cr       20       Ni       20       Tl        10
                      B        20       Cu       20       Pb       25       V         20
                      Ba       20       Fe       100      Sb       50       Zn        100
                      Be       20       K        150      Se       50
                      Ca       2000     Mg       500      Si       500

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