Page 14 - Teaching studies Part B FINAL
P. 14


               Being ideal teacher in South Africa means a lot for the education system considering the
               past imbalances that we faced as a country. The South African schools are faced with

               lots of challenges and one of them is teacher learner ratio. The most qualified teachers

               have  to  bear  the  challenges  of  work  overload,  overcrowded  classrooms  and
               administration work. Ii order for the teachers to cope with the challenges at school they

               need come up with strategies to help them to tackle the challenges in the classroom in a
               positive manner. As mentioned above in terms of an ideal teacher that cares about the

               learners emotional and socio-economic state which plays a very important role in their
               learning  process.  In  the  21   century,  technology  has  met  the  learners  and  teachers
               halfway and made learning and teaching easier. Being an ideal teacher could benefit

               learners and the communities at large. For learners who are disadvantaged, teachers
               who are well equipped and well-resourced they could make the learning and teaching

               process easier. During this research, we have learnt a lot as a group about the impact
               that we could make in the teaching sector. The skills that we have obtained in the past

               three to four years have really been fruitful. We hope that you enjoyed this brochure just

               as much as we did when compiling it.
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