Page 3 - Teaching studies Part B FINAL
P. 3


               SCHOOL CONTEXT

               Anchor  comprehensive  school  is  located  in  Gauteng  province  in  a  township  called

               Meadowlands. The name of the school is Anchor comprehensive school. The school is
               close to the road although there is no noise that disturbs the process of teaching and

               learning in the school. The classes are fully furnished and have smartboards and teachers
               also go for training every Tuesdays of the smartboard whereby they are taught on how

               they  can  make  their  lessons  more  interesting  by  including  technology in  their lesson

               presentations  .Which  helps  to engage  the learners in  the  classroom  and  encourages
               participation , and they are able  to understand the content better other than just relying

               on textbooks for knowledge all the time .The training also includes other technological
               tools which also enable teachers to incorporate technology in their lesson  presentations.
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