Page 4 - Teaching studies Part B FINAL
P. 4

The school has a high rate of teenage pregnancy and of substance abuse; this has a

               negative impact on the learner’s performance in the school and their studies. As most
               learners do not really concentrate on the lessons after break as most of them during this

               time  have  smoked.  While  most  teenagers  are  mothers  and  some  pregnant,  they
               sometimes do not come to school as they have to go for check-ups and take their kids to

               the clinic and this causes them to be behind with schoolwork. These are some of the

               challenges that are faced by the teachers and learners in the school. Another challenge
               is absenteeism, not only learners but teachers as well, this affects the learners negatively

               as they do not get to learn in some days when their teacher is not in school and that
               makes them to be behind with school work .The school does not have a good strategy of

               disciplining learners hence most learners in the school disrespects teachers because they

               know that they will not be disciplined for it. The school does not have an assembly there
               is only a briefing for teacher, which takes place on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays

               only. This leads to teachers having no platform for making announcements and using
               time meant for teaching to make the announcements. The challenge of late coming from

               both teachers and learners also affects the teaching and learning process, as most time
               is spent trying to get learners to settle down since they come to class late rather than

               being used on teaching the learners in class.

               The school has classes from grade 8 to grade 12, their age ranges from the age of 14 to

               the age 21. It consists of isiZulu, Sepedi, Sesotho and Setswana speaking learners. There

               are also learners who are homosexual; the school does not discriminate against those
               learners. The school consist of 25 qualified educators, from my observation they good in

               what they do, and they respect and love what they do. They all work collaboratively with
               each to create the healthy working environment, which promotes the excellent teaching

               and learning process.
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