Page 8 - New Marketing Strategy Book (Updated 3-24-2017)
P. 8
The Toril Sells Houses Team
Steven Quiazon – Offer/Transaction Manager Fiona Lira Crisostomo – Offer/Transaction
“I take care of sellers while their homes are “I work virtually on market statistics to ensure
listed. I work one on one with Toril to provide we are always one step ahead
sellers with the most up to date information of the market and it’s trends.”
on their home.”
Hana Laceter – Client Concierge Melodie Bautista - Miya Mata – Executive
Marketing Manager Assistant
“I do lead follow ups and
contact prospective buyers and “I create marketing “I help the team with
sellers to bring in business to contents such as ads, administrative tasks and
the team.” brochures and flyers and make sure everyone has the
oversee the team’s social tools they need to perform
media presence.” their tasks effectively.”