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Network Security and Privacy

          The first step in creating such a policy is defining a “breach.”   that nearly every entity will suffer some type of security or privacy
          Everyone understands that when criminals hack into a company’s   incident at one time or another and reducing the impact of a
          network that a security breach has occurred. However, a security   breach is essential. Therefore, insurance underwriters focus almost
          breach occurs virtually every time an employee loses a cell phone   as much on the robust data breach incident response policy as all
          or has a laptop stolen. A useful policy must define what a breach   of the prevention measures.
          is, and set forth a process designed to respond effectively to
          each specific incident based on the specific circumstances of the
          breach and the precise nature of the information compromised.    Network Security and Privacy Insurance
          Different measures are required depending on the sensitivity of
          the information involved. Failure to respond promptly, effectively,   Work with your client’s insurance broker to analyze property and
          and in compliance with applicable laws can expose a business   general liability insurance policies and determine any potential
          to material liability. Furthermore, insurance underwriters assume   gaps in existing coverage. Your client should consider specific
                                                                network security and privacy insurance to fill any obvious gaps. 31

          Cyber Maximum Probable Loss Curve

                                                     Liability / Defense  Event Expense

                  75M                                                                     5% of incidents > $20M
                                                                                          10% of incidents = $1M-20M
                                                                                          85% of incidents < $1M

             Severity  50M


                          Liability / Defense                              Event Expense


              rvlet?documentId=tirVQewp3WujFno1EgNuTA==&system=prod  (Zurich sought declaratory judgment that it has no duty to defend or indemnify Sony against class actions
              relating to hacking of 100 million PlayStation customers under the primary commercial general liability and excess liability policies because, Zurich asserts, the customers’

          Aon Risk Solutions  |  Cyber Insurance                                                                 10
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