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Network Security and Privacy

          Cyber Insurability as it Currently Exists

                                                                                       Can be covered with Tech E&O
            Revenue loss due to network business   Financial damages or loss due to failure   and Cyber Policy
            interruption, information asset loss,   of technology or software to perform as
            first party data breach mitigation  intended, third party financial damages   Should be / already covered in
                                               from a data breach, data breach-related   traditional insurance program
                                               regulatory fines and penalties, “contingent
            Revenue loss due to prpoerty damage events  regulatory” losses, recall costs where no   Uninsurable business risk
                                               tangible damage in end product occurs.

            Revenue loss due to theft of trade secrets/
            intellectual capital and introduction of   3rd party recall costs associated with
            competing products into marketplace,   tangibly damaged goods or products
            criminal fines and penalties

            Covered under property, general    3rd party property damage or bodily
            liability, and workers’ comp programs  injury losses where insured’s products
                                               directly cause loss. should be covered
                                               under GL products/recall policies.

                                               Contingent bodily injury and
                                               property damage losses due to the
                                               failure of technology or software
                                               products (no direct damage)

          This has resulted in vastly disparate cyber insurance purchasing   manufacturing, industrial, and critical infrastructure are struggling
          trends. Consumer facing industries have led the charge (mainly   with the available products as well as the debatable nature of
          specific to “privacy” coverage), and various estimates put   their existing coverage.
          adoption rates between 20%-60% for certain segments—financial,
          healthcare, retail, and hospitality. Beyond those industries,   Another significant problem is limits sufficiency, which is not high
          uptake is more limited. Business-to-business firms (predominantly   enough to provide catastrophic coverage levels required by large
          technology centric ) that participate in the PII chain can blend   firms involved in critical infrastructure.
          cyber coverage into a commercial errors and omissions policy
          to contemplate a large percentage of the risks, but such firms   While underwriting for privacy and related financial loss
          continue to struggle to identify their exposures and the related   products is good (and usually under one roof), know-how and
          insurability. For firms that do not fit this classification, buying   consistency for more traditional products drops off significantly.
          drops off precipitously—and while knowing that their cyber   This dynamic is further exacerbated by the silo approach at
          exposures are significant, companies in industries such as   many insurers whereby the “cyber” underwriters don’t interact

          54     Arch Insurance alleges that the comprehensive general liability policy excludes electronic data from the definition of tangible property, for purposes of determining whether
              “property damage” has been alleged.  Furthermore, the policy excludes damages arising out of the loss of, loss of use of, damages to, corruption of, inability to access, or
              inability to manipulate electronic data. In that case, Michaels Stores allegedly failed to safeguard PIN pad terminals, which allowed criminals to fraudulently access and use
              customers’ credit card and debit card information.

          Aon Risk Solutions  |  Cyber Insurance                                                                 15
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